Monday, December 31, 2012

This Christmas ...

Yeah! This Christmas ... I gave you my heart ...
I gave you my soul ...
I gave you my word ...
Nothings gonna change that for us ...
I am sure ...
You are sure ...
What the heck does it matter ...
If the world is unsure ....
I care about you ...
I love you ...
Am there for you ...
Beyond that promise ...
What else can I give you?

Know me ...
Know me better ...
This is me ...
All for you ...
We haven't met ...
Yet we feel ...
So intensely 'bout each other ...
Does it matter what they feel? ....
No, it doesn't ...
So, why worry ...
Let's not hurry ...
Just slowly ...
Love each other ....
Till eternity.
If there be another life ...
It's betrothed to you ...
You know it well ...
I need not dispel ...
Your feelings ...
Or Quell your fears ...
I am there ...
Now and forever ...
Even in our next life ...
If it comes of being ...
This Christmas and all the coming years ...
I am there as you are there for me.

Love you Papa Bear ...
Goldilocks really loves you.

Suddenly ...

Suddenly, a feeling ....
A feeling of guilt ...
Of remorse ...
Can't say why ...
But it has infused my mind ...
Should I have bitten into the chocolate ...
The forbidden vice ...
I shouldn't have ...
Not good for me at all ...
Not good for the dental makeup ...
Nor good for the lipid retention ability ...
Of my waistline ...
Not good for the high it gives ...
Making me more active than usual ...'Sleepless nights followed ...
No, the forbidden fruit shouldn't have been bitten into....
It would lead to reactions of rejection ...
A sadness filling my being ...
When the after effects are gone ...
The lows felt when the chocolate...
The forbidden fruit is gone from existence ...
From my being ...
Suddenly .... The guilt pangs ....
Suddenly, a feeling of remorse ...
Am not game for having any more Chocolates...
New Year's Resolution ...
Go forbidden fruit ...
Ye go, into your basket forever ...
Go Sinful Chocolate ...
Get back into the pod from ye come forth ....

As the Year Ends ...

As the Year Ends ... when I look back ... I see a different ME at the beginning and a whole new ME today.
What a drastic change from someone who trusted blindly to a person who doesn't trust anymore.

What made ME who I am? No, not someone per se, but circumstances ....My decisions gone awry ... Blind trust and faith .... catapulted by deceive ... deceit and fowl play ... in Business and in life.

But, towards the end, today am happy ... am an evolved being ... Success at a cost but nevertheless; Success with my Loved ones beside me and a whole new World waiting to embrace me. The New year will see me busier, with little or no time for my beloveds but yes happier doing what I do best and giving them the best that life has to offer on Earth.

I shall be travelling more often, infact living out of the suitcase will be the new mantra for the coming times...
Always on the move living my dream of Travelling and enjoying life to the hilt. A life chosen solely by me ... Leaving all care to the wind... Absolving myself of all the responsibilities and moving on to newer roles to play. Living my dreams and aspirations ... no expectations ... on the move with few essentials ... moving towards greener pastures and environs ... friends and foes left behind ... a World to explore ... new ventures to capitalise upon.

Without doubt ... A new adventure begins .. with new friends in tow and newer horizons to conquer.

Looking back I can quip ... I had a life well lived ... where the last year saw me losing hope in loved ones ; it brought me closer to my family and the real people in my life, some left behind , some caught up with me and brought a smile back on my lips. I found a strength within me; I knew not of ... I found my roaring self ... silent yet strong ... I realised being a woman is no joke ... a woman of substance with strong values and stronger resolve.

My long lost family was found ... Found a voice in their support ... Found MYSELF ... Found my Destiny.
The never ending search began and continues ... coz' life can't be a fullstop ... It's a question mark.

As the year ends ... I look back and wave a goodbye to the old self and welcome the new ME ... Wholeheartedly.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Once upon a time ...

Once upon a time ... A damsel in distress got lost in a concrete jungle ... in the waves of technology she found solace but was lost there too ... along came a Knight ... a Knight in shining armour and whisked her away ... to his land ... His World ... a paradise where he kept her under his watchful eyes ... loving her.... caring for her .... a world where none could harm her ... Her paradise ... His World.

The World and all its cares left behind ... They lived happily .... As long as the World lived ... their story became a legend ... For generations to come ... Some say it's a myth ... some say just a story ... But aren't all Love stories somebody's stories? ... Where do you get the literature for that?

The Knight and his Dame .. dared to live their lives together ... they dared the society and all its taboos and rules ... Prohibitions and narrow orthodox thoughts ... They lived through it all ...  They lived life Kingsize .... The King and His Queen.

Their loved ones accepted what was ... for they saw the passion and its intensity ... the fiery emotions and the resolve ... Come what may ... A story with a happy ending ... A story to be written about.

Ting Tong !!!! I am shaken from my reverie ... A dream with open eyes ... A good story ... But, all in thoughts and imagination ... What else do you expect from a Creative Writer ? Answer... STORIES ....
Am a Wordsmith ... I weave a web of words ... Believing is your prerogative .... Spinning is mine.

Once Upon a Time ...

All I Know ...


Loving you is all I know now ...
None other can touch me ...
Nor my soul ...
Betrothed to you ... am bound by my love ...
Sheer contrast to what I was ...
What I could be ...
Am smitten yet again by the Love Bug.

Knowing you ...
Your feel for freedom ...
Your take on freedom ...
Yet, I enslave myself in your love ...
Ensnared by your loving gaze ...
Ensconed in your arms.

O' Papa Bear!
I just love you ...
You make love seem so simple ...
So uncomplicated ...
Am deeply engrossed in your thoughts ...
Hooked on to the nectar of your love.

I love you Papa Bear ....
Love you a lot ...
Immensely, deeply ...
I feel you next to me ...
Just pure projection of pure love.

All I know is loving you ... Papa Bear...

Reflections ... Internalization ...

Mirror  Mirror on the Wall ... No not the fairest of them all ... but show me what I have gone through and how have I grown from my experiences?

The mirror says ... Come let's go on this journey together ...

We move back in time ... time doesn't lie ...

I see a shy little toddler clutching on to her mother's saree going to school ....

I see an introvert child .... happy in a beautiful seaside sleepy island .... going to a beautiful Preschool ... memories that can never be erased and that have shaped my today....

I see a giggling girl, busy making clay dolls and play things ... playing alone ... catching butterflies and insects ... earthworms ... caterpillars ... Playing all alone ...

I see a beautiful teenager ... immersed in books ... tinkering with gadgets ... inventing new ones ... living in a World of her own ...

Youth saw the girl blossom ... flower into a mesmerizing angel of love ... But, still "Touch me not" ...

Middle age sees a lady ... Spirited in thoughts and deeds moving full steam ahead ... Single in her endeavour to bring about a change ... Still Single but proudly standing tall ....

The baby skin giving way to fine wrinkles ... yet in those lines you can see a fighting spirit ... of a quiet child to a woman of substance.... A silent stride ... away from limelight .... away from mayhem and noise ... A world of dreams and aspirations ... of creativity ... A beautiful beautiful World of tomorrow ... A legacy to leave behind for Children of the World.

The mirror doesn't lie ... it didn't lie ... It gives me strength to move further and make a point ... a flagship of change ... moving forth with her endeavours ... single in her thoughts  yet not alone  in her movement ...

In the reflections I see my dreams coming true ... I internalize my success without an ego ... Proudly I march ahead ... Alone yet head held high... New horizons to explore ... New lands to discover ... New school of thought to bring forth to the World.... a real legacy to leave behind for my own to be proud of.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Mean Machine .... Heart...

Yupp! That's right ... Our Heart ... The Mean Machine ...
It makes us pine for another ....
It makes us crave for another ...
It makes us helpless ...
It makes us crib ...
It makes us cry ...
It makes us so weak ...
The mean Machine that it is ...
Just whirring away ...
Emotions welling up ...
Missing someone ...
Eyes searching out and within ...
Introspection ...
Observation ...
Retrospection ...
Name it, and ...
Every action taken ...
To carve the name on the heart ...
At times of desperation ...
Trying to scratch it out ...
A state of dilemma ...
A state of no respite ...
Thoughts coming and going ...
Input, output not matching ...
Thoughts positive ...
Thoughts negative ...
Neutral none ...
Mean machine at it ...
Siphoning away all power ...
Eating into the feelings ...
Why this muscular thing throbs ...
An organ that beats ...
But feels ...
Feelings deep and profound ...
Making you hear music even when none around.
My heart beats ... skips and hops ...
As though touched by a hot iron rod ...
A pop from the corn ...
The ears of which wrenched off ...
A clobber of hooves ...
A sigh in the silent night.
Mean Machine ...
Still pumps blood ...
No respite ...
Come pain and heartbreak ...
It doesn't skip a beat ...
The brain loses it ....
The body loses the power ...
But the Mean Machine goes on ad on ...
Pop goes the sound ...
Nothing else but a silence ... An eerie silence ....
But, for now ... The show goes on ...
The mean machine happily pumping blood ....
And, mirth in life ...
Love in the air ...
Who cares ...
I don't ...
Enjoy while you can ...
See tomorrow, if it comes ...
But, for now ...
Love and laughter fills my life...
Mean Machine or no machine.

A thousand deaths ...

She was Raped one day and she suffered and died ... RIP

There are countless who are raped everyday ... On streets and behind closed doors ... they suffer and die every moment of their sorry life .. they die a thousand deaths each moment ... they are told that it's their fault that they were raped ... they are made to commit Harakiri ... if they raise their voice they are labelled ... What should they do?

Is there anyone to help them get justice? Your law keepers laugh and scoff at a woman who goes to them seeking justice.... your law makers hide behind shameless masks of foolish reasons ... Money exchanged to quieten the raised voice ... what remains is a battered and tattered soul ... nothing but a zombie .... a zombie with a lot of anger within.

When all the zombies get together .... the anger within shall erupt and your World will be reduced to ashes ... everything burnt to the ground ... razed and mass destruction ... it will all end ... that would be apocalypse day ... not predicted but expected.

I believe in divine justice too ... what goes around comes around ... Don't forget that. We all have mothers, sisters and daughters in our homes too .... Imagine if they had to go through what you subjected the woman to go through ... Just imagine ... feel the pain .. feel the SHAME. You will die a thousand deaths too.

A Thousand deaths ... I experience each moment .... coz' I am a WOMAN.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Lost and Found Again ... My Treasure ... My Friends ...

Yeah! Found my lost Treasure again ... MY Friends ... old friends. The action taken was necessary to sit back and observe and INTROSPECT ... Found the truth staring at me with a gaping mouth. Hope my friends understand. This exercise to exorcise the enemy was imperative.

Found my Treasure.... My Friends...

Like Jack Sparrow ... I went on an adventure o soul searching ... hurt my soul sister so that I could get to the bottom of the matter ... found the map ... the route to the root of all the problems ... A bored housewife out for some fun at the cost of others emotions. The Black Beard of our Story ... The one eyed Crow along ... Annihilation is imperative... Root canal treatment from dentistry needed.... if you get what am implying.

Yes! Found my treasure again ... am back to kick some arse ... am back to make things alright ... am back to the basics ... coz' in simplicity lies happiness. Simple thinking .... Ignore with a stern look ... even a beast backs out when you give a silent roar.

In Unity lies the answer to wipe out the Virus ... Altogether you are one force .... the devil can't outlive or outwit. One life to live ... One common enemy to fight.

Long live Friendship ... not born out of Boredom but one common goal .... plain and simple .... The Treasure .... FRIENDS are FOREVER.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Darling... Darling! Stand by me ...

Stand by me ... Darling, Darling! Stand by me ...

Am humming this age old classic song ... and remembering the new found love of my life.

Through ages man has fallen in love, but I won't ever say OUT OF LOVE ... You can't fall out of Love... It's a deep abyss... you just merge deeper and deeper in it .... Never a way out.

How much ever we may have fought or hated each other in momentary hatred at any given time .... After a long time when you meet your Lover .... you just melt ... You can never hurt or hate someone you have lived some fine moments with.

In all its stupidity ... Love is the Ultimate Moksha... every individual seeks moksha never realizing that when they fell in love ... they had attained freedom. No cause for feeling thirsty or hungry ... a smile on your lips ... twinkling eyes.... glowing face .... that's MOKSHA ... that's your Bliss.

My new love is the resurrection of my belief in a new spring ... hope ... happiness. Not looking back in remorse but thankful all that really happened ... coz' whatever happened made it possible for my Today to be a happier place to be in. My Moksha ... My Love.

Sweet innocent love ... doing small little things with so much enthusiasm, Just for me. That's called LOVE ... Honey! I really love it when you make me smile doing small little things to please me ... especially putting on songs appropriate for my mood and our togetherness. I see you in every particle around me ... I work the way I do, knowing you would approve of it. Well versed in the knowledge, you are thinking of me even now.

Yes! I am happy ... I am in LOVE ... I want to spread this love to every nook and corner of this World so that everyone also becomes happy. Spread it through my Smile ... that's what I do ...

My Love ... Soft from inside ... A tough exterior ... Hitler to the World but my Papa Bear.

Darling, Darling ... Stand by me !

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

My Love ... Hmmm ...

No time for love ... But I do take time out for love ... Integrated my love in my time .... My love for all things good ... Clearly standing testimonial for where there is a will, there is a way ... so I always find a way to incorporate love in my daily life ... right from rising and shining in the morning ... breaking the dawn with his face in my view ... to my day to day activities .... where modern technology lends a helping hand ... to my thoughts and feelings that touch him anyways and his vibes reach me ... Technology brought us together and is playing Cupids role in our lives.

A moments pause ... and the heart misses a beat ... fluttering wings like a Butterfly .... Humming bird wings ...  Honey bee buzz ... Chirping Birds ... melody in my heart .... Leaves off the trees ... wind blasting the dry leaves through my door ... An open invitation .... Come love me .... All motivating factors ... Welcoming New Love in the Air.

He is Quiet ... Silent ... Strong .... and yet a baby to be cuddled and loved .... A selfless being full of love for life ... uninhibited , unabashed love for me.... What else to ask for when you have the best courting you?

Imagine such love where the loved one is always there for you ... never a dull moment ... hours looking into each others eyes .... That's my love for you .... Sweet, innocent , pure love. The puritans would bow their head in shame ... if they knew the purity of this love ... The scriptures merely speak of such love ... I am experiencing it ... I am living it .... Pure blissful... Blessed love.

My Love .... The feeling is mutual ... The path the same ... The destination .... Shangrila .... a beautiful journey to be travelled together BEING in LOVE.

Love .... 24X7 .... Virtually ,,,,

Love the feeling.... the feeling of being in love ....
The season cool and cosy ....
The reason love and affection ...
A bond formed ... maintained and safely kept ...
Hypnotized by the charismatic persona ....
My love is a class apart ...
Oh my Gawd! He is the best that has happened to me in a long time ...
But, someone different ...
Someone whom I love VIRTUALLY ....
Deep throated laugh on that statement ...
Yet, true... Truly Yours ....
The dawn in my life ...
The Sun never sets on the Empire of Love ....
My God, watches over me ....
And sends me the Devil to love.

Am in heaven with the Ruler of Hell....
But, you know...
Deep within he is HUMAN ...
 A great human being with humane feelings ...
With love in every sinew and muscle in his physical being ....
With rhythm in his movements ...
The way he walks....
Like a Tiger who stalks ..
Stealth his weapon, yet care his forte'...
My love ... my Knight in shining armour ...
24X7 with him ... I have seen all his colours ...
And, my verdict he is the best that mankind ever got ...
Am fortunate ... He is mine ...
Mine to keep .. Mine to love ...
Mine to care for ... Mine to defend ...
Mine to protect ... Just mine ...
Yikes! Am sounding possessive ...
Yes... I am possessive about him ..
And, I won't share him with anyone ....
Am gonna be utterly Selfish ...
Can't give my Love away ...
My love ... My life ... my sentiments ...
All count .... to make my day.

Love the Emperor of my Heart ...
The King and His Queen ...
They make a HAPPY FAMILY ...
A beautiful love story unfolding ...
Keep reading for more .....

Monday, December 24, 2012

The Bold & The Beautiful ....

She was ... is ( I dunno) ... Bold & Beautiful ....
One who spoke her mind ...
We met on an uncharted terrain ... just like that ...
One common thread binding us ...
My friend , Philosopher and Guide ...
But. somewhere she is lost ...
Lost in the chaos and mayhem created by rioters ....
Gate crashers in the party that was ...
They used her ...
Misused her sentiments and feelings ...
I wasn't aware ...
By the time I got to her ...
She was lost ...
Lost in the mayhem ...
The hulla bulloo... the result of aspersions ...
False implications ...
My friend lost forever in this mad world ...
Desperately seeking "Shweta" my friend ...
The only one who spoke truth always.

She was a true soul ...
No malice in her heart ...
Straightforward and frank ...
With respect for all mankind....
She has to be found and her rightful place be given ...
All obscurity removed ...
For she truly deserves a standing ovation ...
I fight a lone battle on her behalf ...
To get her the justice she so deserves ...
One man ...
So many heartbreaks ...
Not possible ..
Unless he is a Serial Womaniser ...
Lying in wait to strike ...
The gullible and innocent ones.
The Bold & Beautiful Brigade ...
Seeks its SOUL SISTER.

Mera Sonaa Yaar ...

O Teri!
Mera Yaara ... Dildaara ...
Aaj dekha ... badaa pyaara ...
Aankhon mein samet liya ...
Buss... pal bhar mein saari khushiyaan paa li...
Ek pal ko aankhen chundhiyaan si gayi ...
Phir rabb pe badaa pyar aaya ...
Mera Yaar jo laaya ...
Meri hatheliyon ki lakeeron mein jiska naam ....
Woh dildaara mera pyaara ...
Raj Sinhasan ki HAsti ...
Hansi jiske chehrey pe khilti ...
Bass ab maut bhi aaye toh khushi se baahein daal doon ...
Kyun ki jeena ussiki baahon mein ...
Marrna bhi unn qaatil nigahon se ...
Woh nazar ... woh muskurahat ...
Humm ghayal ... dil bhi ghayal ...
Nai jeena tere bina ...
Harr din ki yeh hai dua.
Mera yaar ... bahut sonaa...
Ekdum pighaltey soney sa rang ...
Uski tasveer aankhon mein bass gayi ...
Jaan jaatey jaatey jayegi.
Har ek lamha ... unn chand lamhon mein simat gaya ...
Jab nazar unn pe padii aur dil bahak gaya...
Mera Sonaa yaar ...
Bada dildaar ..
Par sirf mera pyaar ...
Aur kya maangoon rabb se ...
Sab de diya bin maangey.

Mera Yaar ... Mera Sonaa Yaar ...
Dildaar .... Mein dil gayi haar.

Love in Stressful Times ...

Is it possible to really sit back and enjoy a cuppa of tea with your loved one ... in these stressful times? Yes! it is. I just had a cup of tea ... err a mug of tea with my Beau and we laughed our Monday Morning blues away. A beautiful morning ... a promise of more such mornings when we can just be us and sit across and discuss anything and everything ... despite the lemons and cheese that life tosses at us. Coz' it's love that binds us together, not lust.

A day that begins with healthy discussion and unchained laughter ... a harbinger of good things to come through the day ... a melody .... a parody of pain ... just us and our respective cuppas.

A cool morning made warm by conversation that makes us tick ... no stress situation ... just us and our cuppas.... no pain, no aches ... just simple talks that bind us as individuals that brought us together .... destiny a beautiful cupid .... The arrow hit us and we are together, bound by the wound ... bound together by destiny.

Two individuals, two very different people ... suddenly thrown into each others arms .... Love at first sight ... in fact, even before we set our eyes on each other .... pure chastity .... a love to die for ... unselfish thoughts ... just love ... love for mankind, humanity and all things beautiful ... to erase the pain in the World not by going all out but in a subtle gentle manner ... unknown to others but known to two individuals madly in love with each other just being there for the other ... Always ... anytime of the day and night ... just there ... silently watching the back of the other ... No common factor yet so deeply attached. Amazing!

No one said it's gonna be easy ... the road is tough ... the terrain bumpy ... but, with him beside me ... I know am gonna ROCK ... My Hitler(To the World) ... Me and our Clan.

Our World rocks with the sound of music .... music of our love ... the lyrics written ... the notes jotted down and played by the Sun , Moon and the Stars ... The birds and the bees ... Nature itself blessing us with showers of flowers .. hopes of a spring and surprises .... Life well lived in each others arms .... That's what love is all about ... Just being there without EXPECTATIONS.

Love is possible in stressful times ... Love changes all ... Just love and keep on loving ... The World is a beautiful place when you are in love ... All rosy and hunky dory.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Do not hassle over my questions ...

My questions are posed to me, myself; not you dear. I wonder all the time , I think a lot ... that keeps my creative juices in constant supply and flowing always.

My questions are for me to answer. They are for me to find an answer for ... not posed to you.

You just get dragged in by your emotional instability thinking they are for you.
My life is bereft of any thoughts of you or for you. I pose my questions to myself only ... never others. I am answerable to myself not to you or anyone else.

My actions speak louder than words. They mean the whole world to me and my clan.

The ones that need to know, understand ... do so, I don't need to explain anything to anybody. These are my words in my world ... Take them with a pinch of salt; if in any way you feel they relate to your circumstances ... They don't.

Your existence doesn't count. It is minimal in the hordes of humanity that mills around me. I am not aware of your being. You mean not an iota to me , so why hassle over what I write ... Those are my feelings and you are treading upon them ... walking into an uncharted territory ... Mine.

Do not hassle over my questions ... they are my musings and opens thoughts ... not yours to count and reply to or lash out at.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Blissful Atmosphere ...

A day when the entire World is waiting for Death to come , am at peace with myself and whatever that's there that life has to offer. Am in harmony with the love of my life ... One in this life and forever ...  Warming to the sensation that he is there when all else is falling apart around me ... The love is unconditional ... Not changing for any reason whatsoever ... a trust built on our ashes of the past ... A significant better half, so to say for life.

When all are running for their lives , we shall be bonded in our thoughts and deeds ... We shall seek each other out when no form of communication is left ... bereft of the power of the modern world. The antenna ... homing in on to the target in the mental vision ... one never met before, meeting in dreams each day and night ... always there ... withstanding the travails of daily grind.

In all retrospective thoughts ... we have come a long way in life ... we all have ... people from the past and present ... we have grown from the experiences and each has evolved beyond doubt into better human beings , saner people with minds that can decipher and understand what life is really about? Without doubt ... a higher plane of thought and actions that speak louder  than those thoughts.

It is an opportune moment to thank all those who touched my life ... and wonder in their own sweet blissful world I hope , whether I have been able to move on and build a life for myself .... Well! I am LIFE itself ...
Every step I take touches countless other lives and Yes! I make a difference in all those lives ... am there smiling and proud ... chest puffed in high self esteem ... Just There ... Happy with my Beau beside me ... Smiling and cheerful ... Knowing well .... AM untouched by sorrows coz' he is there to sponge them away ... he is there looking on .... he is going to be there when the need arises ...Once in our lifetime .. we shall surely meet .... Just to know , to feel, the person that we love so much ... whether they are a ghost or a reality.

Today ... am in a blissful candour ... a hope for tomorrow ... a blessing in disguise .... an angel beside me ... looking on ... watching over my shoulder ... my boulder ... my bouncer ... my protector... the harbinger of good feelings and spring in  my life again.

A blissful autumn , the leaves falling but a new spring in my life.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Who is the real ENEMY?

Look deep within...
Check your lapels ...
Do you find dirt there?
Yes! Don't le ....
The Ugly truth is ...
That you are your own ENEMY.
The crux of the whole argument ...
The basis on which the statements are made ...
Is one big fat lie ....
That is ... You refuse to seek help ....
For what is lurking within  you ...
And killing you each moment ...
Bit by bit ...
The real ENEMY is you....
No one else ....
Running after what is not yours ...
Desiring cheap thrills ...
And revelling in it ....
Tch ! Woman ...
You are a blasphemous spot...
On the name of womanhood ....
A shame to motherhood ...
A blotch as a sister ...
A rotten cheese as a spouse ...
For your wants ...
Those cheap thrills ...
That momentary ecstasy ...
You forget your role as a WOMAN ....
And we blame men for atrocities? ...
With women with loose characters like yours ...
Roaming freely ...
Which society is safe and clean...
What an example for kids? ....
Nah, you are the shame of this NATION.
The enemy is YOU , YOURSELF ....
Not another ...
You bring us to shame ....
We lower our head in shame ...
For you are the kind ...
A bad aftertaste develops ....
Even thinking of you ...
But your reality ...
You ought to know ...
Who else but me to bring forth your dirty face ...
Who is the real ENEMY ?

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Wake Up Call ... From the Frustrated Bitch ...

I was deep in slumber and ... knock knock knock ....
She woke me up ....
Grrr! was my response ... Lemme sleep , she won't ...
So be it .... For once and for all ....
So, it ought to be the end of the World for her today ....
Heard of RAPE ...
Virtually Rape her in the Timeline ...
She wants it ....
She craves it ....
The sadist that she is ...
The multigamus whore that she is ....
She deserves no mercy....
Today is DOOMS DAY for her...
The frustrated BITCH that she is ....
Asking for more and more.

So, am wide awake ...
After the Wake up buzz from the Frustrated Bitch...
The alarm rang and up and about ...
But, she ran away ...
What she needs is a good spank ...
On her plank ... Kaput ...
That should really do the needful...
Mindful she will become ....
Of the power I wield in my hand ...
Within my fingers ...
To showcase the power of the words ...
That she copy pastes ...
No originality in her ...
Knows she not ...
Am part of the Illuminati ...
Way above her common reproachable sense...
Her downclass mentality ...
She has to know ...
Who is the BOSS here.
Aah The call ... The tweet from her ...
A sign ...
A signal ... Aa bael mujhe maar...

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Power of the written word ...

Yes, I have it in me .... I have it with me ... The absolute power of the written and the spoken word . Not many can boast of this exclusive quality ... which very few really imbibe in their lives.

Words from the Queens English to words from the Ghettos ....  If you have the knowledge ... You can unleash a thousand devils upon your insolent stalkers. You can throw open the gates of hell upon the imbeciles ... you can launch a million ships to vanquish the devil within; the beasts and bitches residing in the world.

Words that don't kill yet give a zillion moments of death to your tormentors.... Those are powers I am referring to.... Words that can rip apart the clothes from a persons torso and yet be enough to cover the soul in the coffin ... I am the wordsmith and I mince not my words ... I spew venom when threatened and I spit fire upon the down trodden termites of the holy land.

Rightly said ... Well read people are less likely to be evil .... but rightly experienced too .. well read people can unleash the power of heaven and hell upon Earth  with the words that they keep locked within.

Words can make your life ... words can break your life .. all you need to do is keep in check what you give out .... what needs to be told and what to be kept a secret forever... your certificate ... your bond to free life.

Hassle not over what I write ... worry about your actions .. for action speaks louder than words ..lest I act upon my words ... where will thou hide ... where will you seek redemption? I am but a human with all emotions intact and the power to react to situations. So, avoid any altercation with me, lest I crumble you under my feet ... a dust that would be blown away by wind ,... a VINE with juice mingled with refuse of the Earth.

My words aren't mere words ... they are an announcement to the world ... Here I come ... with the power known to few.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Bad Taste ... Bad tune ... Equally Bad Music ....

Some people have real bad taste in the kind of people they mingle with ... The kind of music they vouch for or the kind of tune they sing in or hum about.

Bad Taste... Bad Tune and Equally Bad Music.

Volumes can be written about such people... generally , women. Bored housewives looking for some excitement and adventure in the absence of their spouses ... using men like sanitary pads and disposing of them in the garbage bins. Seen the likes of them lately increasing on social networking sites and Men will be men .. falling prey to the damsels who pour their hearts out and the men just leave their own wives at home and reach out to these Bitches  for momentary pleasures of the third kind.

Pleasures of the Third Kind. Yeah! Pleasures sought via social networking sites and the latest applications on gadgets of today. Using their own hands to satisfy themselves while the women feign moaning and watch them make a fool of themselves. Mockery out of relationships ... that's what these people are doing to their families.

Real bad taste... leaves you making a grimacing face and a bitter aftertaste in your tongue ... Yewww!

Copy pasting rotten and horrible poems and couplets to showcase their desires and yearnings these men and women think they are being smart. Bad ass smart that's all that they can really be. Never original always copies and really fake imitations of real passion and love. they have made love seem like a prehistoric nearly extinct feeling from the past and nothing of today.

It makes me anxious and apprehensive to even think of these people out their loose in the net world ... making life seem a parody of sorts ....a satire to write about. I am no expert on feelings .. But, neither am I a novice. I ain't no God to give summons ... am no preacher but, am human with feelings ... true feelings and it really pains me to see people waste their talent and life in nefarious activities ...losing great moments to trivial pursuits.

Bad taste... Bad tune ... Equally bad music ... worse verses ...horrible sense of timing .... real PJs... senseless drama and soaps online.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

YRH ...

I am the Princess of his dreams ...
The Queen of all his thoughts ..
I am the Royal Highness he thinks ...
YRH  ... Your Royal Highness.

Sitting upon my Royal Throne ...
My Chair of authority ...
I control the City ...
The city of Dreams.

My King ...
I am your Queen ...
Princess I am to the World ...
You are my World and ...Nothing more ...
I desire in this Life.
Life is a whirlwind affair ...
An affair to remember ...
They say all is fair ...
In Love and War.

I have loved in the past ...
As I love today ...
Wholly, immensely, truly ....
To the core.
The Swan Song as I term it ...
The dance that we dance ...
We are the World of each other ....
Today a surreal reality ...
Tomorrow a distant dream ...
Yet a dream no matter what ...
To make come true soon ...
But, not at the cost of tears ...
Not with pain to our dears.

If not this life ...
The afterlife is ours to share ...
To dance into the twilight zone ...
The dawn to dusk melody playing on.

Life as it comes and goes ...
As it cons us ....
We play our parts well ...
Smiling for the rest ...
Deep ache within.

You are and shall always be ...
Close to my bleeding heart ...
For I am radiant coz' of you ...
I glow with your love.
I bask in the love you share ...
I glorify the word ...
I am you ... You are me ...
Nothing can divide that.

An ice maiden vouches for you ...
For you melted her heart ...
Soothsayer or lover ...
You are one with her....
On her journey deep within ...
Realms unknown to her.

YRH ... Is yours to keep ...
Hidden ... Tucked away in the core of your Heart.

My musings on HATRED ...

Well! Hatred gets the worst out in you and I believe the best out of you.

My musings on Hatred are based on my personal experience of loving and hating people and at times situations and circumstances. Our circumstances make us or break us. They give us experiences and our reaction to the situation we are faced with.

Hatred as per my norms is my reaction to what I am dealing with and who it is that I am facing. My adversary decides my action and reaction. The route to take and the stand I take on any issue. If my personal space is encroached upon, I go ballistic and go all out of my way to fiercely protect my territory and   my space. Someone asked me lately, what's your territory? Well, I answered with my actions; as actions speak louder than words. Don't mess with me is the look I give to my adversaries. It's not hatred as people would love to put the words in my mouth ... It is a territorial look ... Every animal, bird... organism does it ... I am but human.

My Hatred so far has brought the best out of me. Be it witty humor or sarcastic remarks ... It's all there for the third person to see and read between the lines. Break the morale of the enemy .. let them live, with you in constant view ... happy while they languish in their own penury.

Hatred is a state of extreme distrust and anger over something that you can't control. Control your emotions and you have won the World ... release the anger and you are labelled. Who cares? I don't ... I have every right to RIGHT the wrong done to me ... I have every right to stand up and proclaim ... YES! I was used and this is payback time. I have every right to question my tormentor ... WHY?  I have every right to my RIGHT on the relationship that was and couldn't be coz' someone was weak and incapable of carrying the same on his/ her shoulders... shoulders that seemed strong ... but gave way under pressure.... the lies ... the despicable lies that turned my World upside down..... I have every right to judge their characters form a different angle now and make my own inferences based on the character.... Not character assassination but character evaluation. I have every right to my musings and the words that I spit out ... spew out in hatred as some might put it.

I have every right to my musings on Hatred ... On people ... On situations ... on circumstances ... Don't circumcise my statements ... Read them but keep your views to yourself .... am not game to give an explanation for what I do or say ... They are my thoughts ... I fiercely and overly protect them.

So, go on living your bare existence .... I thrive in my World ... My World ... My space ... My Territory as I rightly put it to you.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Everything is over ...

Everything is over ... Why wait for the end of the World ... Nothing to salvage any more ... A beautiful friendship ... Gone down the drain ... two people who could have been the best of buddies ... separated by aspersions and lies.

Everything scattered on the floor ... which piece to pick? Where to start from/ Which part of the puzzle to solve?

A dilemma ... no pain .... no heartbreak ... just questions to answer... seeking answers ... but no solution in sight.

So many people with so much pain ... so many problems ... so much weighing them down... How do I help them recover? recover, their lost spirits... Recover their self esteem ... Recover from the trauma of deceit.

The end of earth hasn't come yet ... Yet, I feel everything is over .... families breaking up.... friends despising each other ... no moral values ... just selfish reasons to bond and make merry at the others expense.

Mayhem and chaos all around ... People out to grab each others neck ... no semblance here... Just destruction and damaged egos... Bruised souls... Psychos all of them.

Be aware lass ... for this is gonna pass ... nothing lasts forever ... momentary happiness ... nothing left once the volcano spews lava.

Enjoy your newfound happiness ... Till Everything is OVER.

Monday, December 10, 2012

A Different Entity ..

An entirely different ball game ... A real life situation ... So much at stake ... Yet we carry forth our Trivial Pursuits .. Why?

Coz' we are a different entity altogether.

There is nothing that stops us from expressing our feelings and emotions ... yet we hold them back for the loved ones ... We are a different entity altogether ... Not one of the masses to be upheld.... to be devoured by their piercing gaze .... to be laughed and scorned upon for our bold decisions. Decisions that shape our lives and destinies.... we are not to be taken so lightly ... we are human .. we are capable of expressions .... we are capable humans of a different caliber .. not one of the masses to be trampled and tread upon ... we are a class apart ... let's not mix in the crass here. We are a different entity ... absolutely different.

What we share can't be shared with anyone. We have our shares of trials and tribulations ... don't turn them into disasters. The moments spent in each others company; cherish them .... they shall keep you company when I am gone .... They shall remind you of time well spent in some presence with a different entity altogether ... someone special ... not another scrap from a junkyard.

When I write, I pour my heart's feelings out, don't take it so lightly ... It's situational ... depending from time to time on the situation we are in ... It is basically venting out the anger deep within for the atrocities of the crime done against us ..our feelings and it is our final justification for all that has occurred in our one single delusional life. A juxtaposition of random thoughts brought together by our togetherness and our distance.

What I share with you is something special ... None can match that bond ... What I write here is to seal that bond forever ... a dialogue ... a monologue actually or the rantings of a heart either in love or out of it. A different entity altogether.

Different ad unique is this bond ... let's not play with our relation ... keep it plain and simple .. Be there for each other always ... A different take .. for different entities entwined in the same catastrophic blunderous relationship ... Called ... LOVE.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Mirage ...

I am a Mirage ... Realize it ... a bird of Paradise beyond your reach ... Makes it easier to break free from the shackles of a love not to be.

I am a Mirage ... Feel it ... But follow it not ... There's nothing to lay hands on .... Better leave it alone.

I am a Mirage ... Sense it ... Better ignore it .... Only heartbreak there, nothing else.

Am a Deer in the desert of life ... Don't be the hunter .... It's not a role carved out for you.... You have other things to do ... Your responsibilities ... Am not one of them.

A Mrigtrishna ... so apt for a being that comes into your view in your scanner, but so far that you cannot reach it. Reach for the Stars; They are real ... I am  a  Mirage .... Just a deceit of your eyes.

A Mirage ain't no reality ... leave it .... Pursue it no further ... There's only pain and lamentation here .... Aches not known to the heart that you possess.

I can never be yours nor can you ever be mine ... so why carry this further? Turn back while you can ... Before it is too late.... and all is lost coz' of this passion we nurture in our hearts for each other .. Turn back my Beau .... Before this fire consumes us ... Let the Mirage vaporize just the way it cropped up out of nowhere.... Do it before it is too late Dear.

I am a MIRAGE ... REALIZE it!

Insecurities ...

Insecurities ... felt by people who aren't sure of what they are doing or where they are going or unsure about themselves and their own feelings ... let alone the others.

We all go through phases of insecurities. Be it our "Jobs" as we term it ... Be it the career we have chosen ... Be it our relations ... or just plain and simple ... Our Life.

Being Human is what brings on these insecurities and apprehensions and anxiousness ... Have you ever seen an animal feel insecure in it's natural state?

We were made, moulded, crafted and engineered to feel insecure ... that is why we have weapons of destruction and our history is marred with wars. The creator gave us brains ... which makes us think ... think good or bad ... and one thing leads to another and we ned up in a jumbled up mess... a life created by us .... a path we paved .... we tread upon.

Unsure of what lies ahead, we pack a whole lot into our baggage of Life .... some needed, some not needed ... junk ... a lot of junk, yet we can't get ourselves to rid of this junk and end up playing with our emotions and that of others ... for we are all basically egocentric and selfish and insecure ... and we can't LET GO.

Our Insecurities ...they bind us to our ego, our false pride  ... our inhibitions and so called attachments are formed ... That's when the trouble begins ...

Our insecurities squeeze the life out of us ... we go pale ... we lose sight of everything ... hindsight and foresight ... and that makes us commit mistakes ... Mistakes that take a lifetime to surface from ... Sometimes we drown in them.... sometimes we just keeping bobbing our heads in that sea of turmoil... coming up for a breather and then sinking to the bottom again ...

Our insecurities pull us down and we either drown alone or pull others along too.... depends how strong the pull is or how strong is your mental foundation ... the layering done by the mason of your character ... The stronger the foundation ... lesser the insecurities ... the weaker the masonry .... weaker the house that was built upon it ... so keep your foundations strong ... work on it and make it better with each autumn that blows its winds in your direction.

Don't let insecurities bog you down .... work a way around them ... and, move on.

Next Life ...

Next Life is what you said ... Jolt! Am back to reality .. A complete reality check .... Whew! Hope you mean it ... Next life as promised by you ...

So, raising a toast to the promise of a future after life .... Come what may ... might as well enjoy this life as you are ... So that next life is reserved just for you...

Tipping the felt of my imaginary hat, in a courteous bow and a wave of Goodbye ... Until Next life .... For I have plans of  enjoying this life without reservations ... Pop out of the shell and just worm my way through till a cocoon encrusts me and I pop out again .... in Next life...

The nut was hard to crack ... Yet I cracked it ... In the process .... Of course! Lots were affected ... the code uncoded ... The mask unveiled .... Now, waiting for Next Life ...

It takes a lot to control what isn't in your hands to handle ... It takes a lot of strength to smile and say Go on , live on .... Until Next Life ... Indeed, tough! But, live we must this life too ... So, I soar once again ... encompassing within my wingspan ... a beautiful World ... a new World from a different perspective and Live on ... until, Next Life...

No promises this time round ... No sweet nothings ... pure, brute reality ... come what may .... Enjoy what is left to the hilt ... No guilt .... Move onto next Life ...

Like the tree where birds perch and wander off, flowers from whence nectar sucked by bees ... I ain't no flower to be no more ... I ain't no benevolent tree ... I no more give shade ... I no more remain in solitude ... I  move into the World for Man has cut off my limbs and made Rocking chairs outta them ... Man has cut my trunk and turned it into a piece of art ... Man, has used my leaves to cure his apathy and Man has used my berries to quench his thirst and ward off his hunger.

I still have life left in me... coz' my roots run deep.... they are strongly entrenched ... deep rooted and strong indeed ... so, I decide to unfurl my magic again .... leaves sprouting from my scars ... a new dawn sees new life ... Until Next Life.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Missing you ...

Missing you is all I know ...just can't imagine how I have lived so far  so long ... after a tete' a tete' with you ... am just missing you like a fish out of water .... Total bheja fry ... Can't imagine the torture of a lifetime without you anymore. Control Gal! This is what happens when you fall head over heels in love. Just another phase in life Gal... Take a hold of yourself.

Life goes on... with or without love ... Chill! It's back again ... Then why feel morose ... enjoy the moments gal and move ahead .. No more looking back.... what's left behind is lost ... There's more to life than a  few heartbreaks here and there. Move on Gal! Pudhey chalaa.. Move forward ... There's more to it than meets the eye ... just move forth and you shall find many new adventures and travails to tell tales of via your words... O Wordsmith! Spin words that bring warmth to a cold heart and chills the soul.

Your love has opened vistas in your mind ... a pathway of beautiful, soulful, melodious and pious sonnets ... sing them , bring them out ... let them all see how happy you are in your blissful World of love.

Your love has no name, no form, no religion, no caste, no creed .... yet it is pure and ecstatic ... a meeting of two brilliant minds ... a mating of two sacred souls. let not the dread of separation creep in ... enjoy while it lasts ... for you have promised yourself another birth just to be with the ONE ... the chosen one.

If missing him saddens you ... do not be anxious .. for he too misses you equally and adores you ... You worship him ... he worships you.

Even at this very moment ... when you are blogging your blues away ... he misses you and sends you messages of love.... even while he is in a crowd ... coz' his eyes search for you everywhere.... in the crowd.... you are in his heart and he is your soul.

Wait ... wait patiently ... The next life is promised and taken for sure ... the seats booked and plans made ...
Next life you shall meet him ... next life is yours as promised.

Wait my Gal ... There is a promised life beyond.

Language ki Maa Behen ...

Dhatt tere ki ...
Language ki Maa Behen karr dete hain log ...
Tere Shehar ke log ...
Sanam , tere hi Shehar ke log.

Naa sharam... naa hayaa...
Kya khoya... kya paaya ..
Kuch haath naa laga...
Toh zubaan pe Maa Behen hi aaya.

Naa aurat ki izzat...
Na hayaa ka bayaan ...
Bahut hi badmizaaaz hain ...
Tere Shehar ke log.

Jab zubaan mili hai toh ...
Zubaan ko kaabu mein rakho ...
Warna chhupp raho...
Kuch naa kaho ...
Par apni Maa Behen ki izzat toh karo.

Kya gandi zubaan paayi ...
Tere doston ne ...
Kaise aa gayi inkey chakkar mein ...
Kuch hosh hai ...
Ye shaksh kya chahtey hain tujhse ...
Apni tanhaiyyon ka maikadaa ..
Aur kuch nahi.

Zubaan ko lagaam do Sheharwalon ...
Ye maikadaa nahi ...
Machinon ka Shehar hai ...
Ye tumhara ghar nahi ...
Naa hi woh tumhaari janaani hai.

Apni naa sahi ... apni Maa ki izzat toh rakho ...
Apni behen ko sar-e-bazaar yuun be-aabroo naa karo ...
Language ki MAA BEHEN naa karo.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Winds of Change ...

A fresh breeze wafts through the window ... A new lease of life ... The leaves rustle  in the trees around ... Fresh breath of life .... I am in love .... Rabba ! Yeh pyar hai ... khumaar hai ... ya bukhaar hai.... Jo bhi hai ... mein beemar hoon ... qaid mein hoon .... apne bas mein nahi ... apne yaar ke pyar mein doobi hoon .... mujhe jaagney naa do .... Ek naya bukhaar ek nayi khumaari ... ajeeb si beemari.

Winds of change ... a different magnitude of emotions ... never experienced before .... a different feeling ... a different person from the rest ... way above them all.

He has brought a freshness in my life ... I walk with a spring in my steps ... I walk with a smile pasted on my lips ... a glow on my face .... my man .... my raqeeb ... my very own love to be loved and cherished forever.
He brightens my day and night ... His eyes show me the shine that makes me want to live forever .... entwined in his arms forever and ever.

The warmth from his being radiating into my being .... A feeling of being safe and secure .... He protects me from any harm. He is the one to give me a fresh lease of life ... The man who breezed into my life with a smile and is here to stay forever.

Every morning I wake up with his thoughts and each night he is there in my thoughts.... my days and nights have become one .... no sleep yet energetic and full of enthusiasm I perform my worldly duties. The days and nights have merged into one ... There is no looking back ... Just move forth with him beside me .... my guiding light ... my man beside me.... I can climb every mountain .. cross every ocean .... Fly like a bird ... soar high , higher .... The highest. He is in my spirit ... he makes me strong ... My strength my man ... I am but his love and his own ... My guiding light ... you are the one who has brought this wind of change ... I dedicate my changed and altered life to you.

You are my wind of change ... you are my Man. My life... my love all yours to keep....and cherish. 

Love in Winters ...

 A coziness known not to the common person but pretty well known to lovebirds who remain in their little world of dreams and each others arms ... oblivious of the stares of the material world around them ... Just deeply engrossed in each other's loving gaze.

A feeling experienced and nodded upon by people who delight in lovers frolic but frowned upon by the keepers of the society. Love in winters means meeting at rendezvous points, having corn on the cob, walking along the promenade and just reveling each others company. I see it all happening and wonder, how? This is how the masses love?

The age of moving hand in hand is coming to an end ... with high end toys replacing the conventional love letters and meeting face to face ... now meetings are done on the networking sites and on webcam ... the essence being lost to machines.

In Earlier days, the lover would travel through rough terrains and mountains and rivers and swim across oceans to be with his loved one... now he shows off the latest gadgets to get the attention he so ardently seeketh from the opposite sex. The days of the well spoken, well worded poetic language is gone; replaced by spurious statements stolen from texts written by others and shown off as their own ... or some cheap song popular in the day and cheap and obscene actions.

Love in winters is all about a cold weather and quilts and garam chai ... pakoras and a good book in hand .... 

A strange feeling ....

A strange feeling has spread over my being ...  A feeling of every move being watched .. every step taken; counted ... Every breath analysed .... Every word spoken; repeated ... Every thing under scrutiny.

Liking the attention ... Watching my back is Big Brother anyways .... So no worries ... No hassles ... Am secure in the feeling that he does check every move I make ... and he ensures that I get the message loud and clear that he is there always ... as a Ghost watching my back and warning me always... in no uncertain tones of anything big coming my way .... Like a Tsunami warning system.

There is no substitute for being watched over .... Free surveillance system ... George Orwell's novel very well personified with Big Brother watching. The mystery unravels itself with each written word ... poor scared soul wondering what is it that she will spill the beans about? Literally every word under a scanner .... every statement torn apart to find the hidden meaning.... reading between the lines.

Know not thou that a woman's heart is an unfathomable Ocean ... many dark secrets lie within the deep recesses of the Ocean floor ... No one has seen the bottom yet .... pretty soon, each secret will be out ... every creature hiding brought forth ... and logged and registered .... a museum made of stories to tell...  true stories indeed.

A strange feeling .... but a good one at that .... not one to be wary of ... but one that makes you look forward to it and living life underwater without gasping for air.

Of Puchkaas and Golu molu women ...

Round, round ... crunchy potato filled savouries dripping wet with tart water ... Puchkaas from the Land of Great Freedom Fighters ... The trams and Buses made mostly of wood and the first Metro of the Nation ... The land of Ganga Sagar and Tollygunge ... The Turf View .... and The Grand Hotel of days of yore ... British era truly signified in the life ... Chowrangee Lane .... The Chinese stuff .... The descendants of Chinese immigrants ... The pure cotton Dhaka Sarees to the Durga Pujo Pandals ... The Calcutta Zoo as known before ... Memories rush in and flood the eyes with fond memories of the puppy love that was ... a Bengali boy looking at her ...  and she oblivious of his feelings playing merrily .... later in life realizing his puppy love for her when others told her ... purity personified.

A perfect semblance in life ... a perfect life in the fauji environment ... great moments to be cherished ... especially the Aelo jhellos and Rossogullas ... The Dance performance that catapulted her to greater heights ... The winning of contests ... a golden era in her life.

Of fat, dark women with beautiful eyes and melodious voices ... Black magic and tales of infidelity quite common .... no wonder .. Don't have to wonder why she is unfaithful to her family and husband ... living in a false and virtual World not her own ... Coz' she has it in her because of who she is ... frustrated dreams... Early marriage at 16 ... now daughter getting married ... sad state of affairs and others enjoying a good tweet at her expense ... sad truth but a grim reality of what technology can do to a bored housewife ... a bane and not a boon at all.

This reminds me of the leather tannery behind Turf View ... The roar of lonely lions in the Zoo ... The polluted water in the river behind, the blood and colour from tanneries along it's bank ... odour of dead cows and flesh ... first hand review of Environmental pollution ... The Victoria Memorial ... The Howrah Bridge ...  The Ballygunge Market ... The history behind the place ... a rich tale of courage and sacrifice.

The fun filled days of sports and curricular activities ... the golf course and the swimming pool .... gay abandon and happiness personified.

A smile fills my face ... reminded of the place ... Of Puchkaas  and Macher jhhol.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

A twist of fate ... Crazy indeed!

Never imagined ... Never thought ... That a twist of fate would bring us so close and yet distance us ... miles apart. The imaginations of a twisted mind ... a crazy soul that thought of nothing but his own satisfaction and never the feelings of the women involved. A twist of fate that embroiled the Women in a proxy duel with each other. It was not to be fated with just one unhappy soul but many more in the wings under wraps ... a serial flirt working on emotions and crushing them just like that.

A crazy person ... a bio hidden from the real world and family ... In reality known to be respectable but a heinous individual raping emotions and feelings in the virtual world. Someone with a twisted mind and character maligning others while himself a true devil in character. Sweet talker ... smooth mover ... Gods knows what else!

A twist of fate .... He is in the docks for his crimes against women ... Crazy indeed yet not learnt his lessons well. A hard stance needed to show him the path to righteousness and his real HOME.

No Man ... whoever be he ... has the right to hurt ANY woman ... For he himself might have a wife, Mother, Sister and daughters at home ... What goes around comes around ... It's but one small World ... Isn't it.

So, pay heed to the sharp words of caution .. It is a SMALL WORLD and history repeats itself over and over again ...

A Twist of fate .... You met me ... You shouldn't have ... How you wish ... Don't you?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sing your song... Dance your dance ... Tell your tale...

Not a tale of two cities but a tale of two lives .... Sing your song ... Dance your dance .... Tell your tale.
The dance of the Love Birds ... The dance of the Millennium ... A beautifully orchestrated music and dance session for your eyes only ... The dance choreographed by the Supreme Being ... A melody to be heard ... Movements fluid and blissful.

Two hearts living in one mind ... Two souls blessed by the Universe... A parody of errors by someone up there .... a catch 22 situation ... But, what the heck! Live on ... Love on .. You only live once ... Live it in a loving relationship ... Sleepless nights yet energetic days full of enthusiasm .. Days filled with yearning for the Lover ... Nights talking endlessly unaware of the time .... till Sunrise just deeply engrossed in lovers talk .... a dialogue that never ends.

No promises ... No commitments ... yet there for each other. Day in and Day out ... Two hearts waiting upon each other ... wanting nothing but lovers smile .... so innocent ... a regal love .... a love incomparable and unfathomable by others. Singing their song ..... Dancing their dance .... Telling their tale..... Untold.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Jaane kahan gaye woh din ...

Jaane kahan gaye woh din kehte thei teri raah mein nazaron ko hum bichaiyengey .. chahey kahin bhi tum raho chahengey tumko umraa bhar... Tumko naa bhool payengey.

Whew! What a rendition ... Soulful music ... straight from the heart. Men, women alike, falling in love ... separating and singing or humming this song .. over the years right from the Seventies to today. the melodies of the bygone era still resonating in homes and hearts of people and making a mark in the current generations emotional quotient. Nothing can match the melancholy notes or the lyrics... the music awesome .... Where are those geniuses today?

Those were the days of Great singers and songwriters ... now all you get is trash... but still the hopes not out ... as long as people remember the classics ... music won't die ... art will vanquish all the inhibitions any one feels.

Long gone are the traditions of days of yore ... long vanished are etiquettes... manners... every jilted lover sings these for whom? Straight faced rascals who leave them for greener pastures. Ah ! The bane of falling in love. A curse for hearts ... A satire on love... A parody of errors ... Nothing but negativity personified.

Where have those days gone? Oh where, Oh where... 

Leap of Faith ...

We all come to a point in life when we need to trust our instincts and take that particular leap of faith. To trust the one who opens up to you trusting you completely. No oddities come in between if you trust the one you open up to.

A leap of faith can open up the vistas of newer you in the new dawn ... a surge of energy to better yourself for that one person who has put his faith in you.

The journey may be troublesome, full of potholes yet at the end of it is someone you can trust your life with. All your secrets unfold before the one who has suddenly appeared out of nowhere in your life. All the rest aside ... you move forth with renewed vigour and vitality ... The travel notwithstanding. You won't get the desired fruit but it's not the desire that you crave for; it's the warmth and comfort in the knowledge that there is someone who cares, who feels and who is no exception but a human after all.

It's the path you have taken that matters the most ... not the end result ... The starting point and the end are clearly marked but not the map of the route you take. It could be treacherous terrains or smooth roads or desert sand ... a vast ocean to cross, a river in turmoil just like your thoughts ... but a heart rendering soulful music fills the confines within and you march ahead smiling and energetic.

All it takes is a leap of faith .... a road winding through falls and ridden with creepy crawlies you may loathe but proceed further you must ... there is no stopover ... there is no turning back .... just the leap you have taken and where you land.

Along the journey ... make sure you don't hurt anyone .... It hurts to be hurt. Have faith and all will be fine ... Else it was never meant to be undertaken ... take it as it is ... with a pinch of salt ... That's what life is all about ... A pinch of Salt... A leap of faith.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Yeh Ishq nahi aasaan ...

Ek chehre pe qayi chehrey lagaa lete hain log ... Jaani ... Yeh Ishq nahi aasaan ... Ek tedaa medaa zokhim bhari raah ... raah mein kaante hazaar ... Rakht ki behti dhaar ... Aansoon ki bharmaar.

Yaa toh raho taiyyar ... kaaton pe paaon chilwane ko .... Ya ghar betho beemar ... aansoon mein doob jaaney ko.

Par kisi ka dil na todo apni vaasna ki bhook mitaney ko ... kyunki jab dil tootta hai awaaz nahi hoti ... par jis tarah toofan apne aaney ka aagah nahi deta ... toota dil apne wajood ko paaney ka sila nahi deta. sab mit jaata jai ek pal mein ... jo premi rooth jaye ... duniya nasht ho jaati hai barbaad mohabbat mein.

Jo koi aashiq bann jaye haiwaan ... toh ashiaaney toot jaatey hain ... mitti ke gharondey paani mein pighal jaatey hain ... tinka tinka jodaa hua ghoslaa bikhar jaata hai ... phir kuch nahi bachta mohabbat ki pehchaan bataney ko ... sab bikhar jaata hai jo koi saathi rooth jaata hai.

Yeh ishq nahi aasaan .. mere dost ... aag ka dariyaa ... aansoon ka samundar ... yaa aar yaa paar.

Tol mol ke bol, varna khul jayegi teri pol ....

Chuppi ... Ghor Sannata... Ek patta bhi nahi hil raha... Naqli duniya ke naqli log ... Bolti bund... Ya aur kuch baki hai bolne ke liye ... Long story cut short ... Want snapshots?

Dost bann kar aaye thei ... dost bann kar rehna chahiye tha ... told you panga naa le ... but you don't understand simple language ... This is the language you seem to understand I guess ... Tol mol ke bol ... varna khul jayegi teri pol. Understood?

Insaanon ki tarah behave karo, varna pinjara bhi naseeb naa hoga. Aisa hashra hoga ki duniya kaanp uthegi ... Jaag utha insaan. Tol mol ke bol, varna khul jayegi teri pol.

Doodh ka doodh aur paani ka paani hoga jab dharti pe pralay aayegi ... kya sach hai kya jhooth phir sab ko khud hi pataa chal jayega. Tol mol ke bol, pralay aayi toh khul jayega tere paapon ki potli sambhal .. zubaan ko lagaam de varna ... you know what... I don't need to specify, do I?

Aatey mein se tel nikaalna aata hai hamein .... piss ke reh jaogey apni hi chakki ke aatey ki tarah ... phir naa kehna maine nahi kaha tha. Tol mol ke bol ... ghehoon, chawal ke daam bol ... varna teri khul jayegi pol.

Love is in the AIR? .... Infidelity not LOVE ...

Air your hearts ranting out in Public .... That's not my kind of Style .. In fact, it ain't no style ... just cheap publicity gimmick by people brought up with little or no etiquette's at all... masses with no sense of direction ... Sic!

Much sicker is married people seeking solace elsewhere in public forums .... openly flirting with strange men and women; with husbands and wives waiting upon them at home ... yet these imbecile infidel bastards carry on their nefarious activities in open forums and feel proud when others have a laugh at their expense; not realizing what a fool they are making of themselves. Down with such creepy mangled brain people of the society.

What would transpire if their families came to know of their affairs in the Electronic medium? Sigh! Hurts to even think of Husband's and wives coming to know of their spouses infidel longings for other partners. Sad, but true ... banes of technology .... under the wraps relations ... leading to breaking of homes ...innocent children and family members victimised.

Down with such imbecile Bastards and Bitches!!!

It's not LOVE Darling .... IT IS INFIDELITY .... BLASPHEMY ... Nothing Else.... Who am I to advise you .... you are but consenting adults ... Responsible employees, Husbands, Fathers, Mothers, Wives and Daughter in Laws from respectable families .... Think of your Families. Period.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Run the race ...

Run... . Run as fast as you can ....This is a race you ought to win .... Dunno how many more moments you are gonna live .. live those moments in ecstasy ... a life filled with happiness and joy .... No regrets ,,,, never look back ... Catch up on lost time .... live ... Just live .... Run .... Sprint across the field ....But don't take short cuts ... do it on your own mettle .... You have it in you to be the best and maintain the position always ... all you need to do is keep pace with the fast moving life .... just keep moving .... brisk steps .... take in the smells wafting throughout the path ... from homes.... from gardens of fresh leaves in spring ... dry leaves in autumn .... the fresh chilled air of winter.... The smell of the soil from the first rain .... the smell of babies ... the little nuances of life that make a big difference .... Catch up on life ... There is life beyond the four walls .... Jump over the fence .... Roll on the grass... look behind the hedge .... you will find life everywhere .... I found life in every sphere and walk .... I am deeply satisfied ... a satiated feeling ....  a feeling of being full .... I embraced life and life embraced me.

Run the race but don't take short cuts ... go the whole winding pathway.... jog along the ocean .... walk by the river .... soak in the mist of the hills ... Just go ... leave the humdrum of hectic fast paced life behind you and mingle with natures best ... You are made to enjoy life .... celebrate life ... procreate and be happy .... not feeling brazen or barren but fertile and young ... full of life.

Run .... Enjoy the rhythm of your heart beat ... enjoy life ... the music of the chirping of birds ... flight of the Albatross.... wing spanned high and low .... the sweet smell of the ocean breeze .... Enjoy it ....feel it ... Plunge in... swim away into the horizon ... coz' that is your destiny .... melt away into the Sunset .... The next dawn welcoming the mortal left behind .... The gulls hovering above ... but the soul merged into eternity.

That's life well lived ... On my own terms.

Kissa Khatam ... No ways ...

Picture toh abhi baaki hai mere dost .... Kissa khatam nahi hua hai ... woh Geet ab bhi meri zubaan se nikalte hain ... Jo tum gungunatey thei.

Chehra badal jaata hai ... par andaaz wohi purana hai.

Kissa khatam nahi ... shuru hua hai ... ek lambe safar ka .... kahani ek aurat ki ... uski munhzubaani.

No ways can you just go away and let the one who hurt you live happily .... Your story is still untold ... a mystery ... make your stand clear ... prove that you were innocent ... a victim of the evil mind.

Kissa yuun hi khatam na karna ... Picture abhi baki hai ... No way are you going to keep quiet ... apney alfaz sunao .. apne geeton se apni kahani batao.

Know your mind ...

Know your mind and keep the faith.... That's the path of success. Know what you desire and gun for it ... full steam ahead..... Full throttle in the engine .... Just Go for it ... With a clean heart and clear conscience. Life is all about taking risks ... Just take the plunge ... Rest will be history written by your actions.

Know the road to self redemption... no self pity .. Pious thoughts and a faith that cannot be defeated.... Faith in yourself and your ability to overcome any obstacle in your path ... Just do it. You will find peace .... Inner Peace.

It's not about you only .... It's about the people who are in your lives ... Your actions affect them too. Take onus of what you did ... Right or wrong ... Just do it.

Note the peace that surrounds your being and your World when you let go and travel with the wind ... It's a beautiful feeling ... let go ... leave everything behind and move forward .... you have to tarvel a lot ... this is not a full stop ... there is lots ahead. Just do it.

Knowing what you want is the Mantra of your times.... Know your mind ... Your heart .. Rest all will follow suit. Just do it.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Jab bhi jee chahey ...

Jab bhi jee chahey nayi duniya basa lete hain log ....
Ek chehrey pe kai chehre laga lete hain log ....

Whew! What an observation .. First hand observation of false lives led by people seeking material lustful pleasure elsewhere discarding what they have in their kitty.

Some people have everything yet are so empty ... their lives suck coz' they don't wanna merge with what they have been gifted with .... They just throw it all away for material pleasure ... momentary lust that deepens their unhappiness and sends them reeling into depression.

It's never too late to pick up the threads of your life and start all over again with your OWN family rather than seek momentary pleasure elsewhere. Don't give up on your treasures for fake smiles and fake concerns. Have a mind of your own ... It is easier to advise ... but, when you have been through life's ups and downs, it is really easy to write so that others learn from your mistakes and undo what they have ruined so far.

Do not fake a smile ... Do not wear a mask ... Why hide your face behind a thousand masks? No need ... if you are a strong person .... come out in the open and declare all you wanna say ... not behind masks and sly statements.

Enjoy life ... but responsibly.

An open mind with closed eyes ....

Yeah I guess ... Give people a chance to prove themselves innocent .... Keep my eyes closed and my mind open ... Guess this is the name of the game called LIFE.

Refrain from moulding into someone else's image ... be original be yourself ... Let the World go take a walk.

Walk alone ... Best .... after all we all come alone and go alone ... Sunrise to Sunset.

Munching the munchies ... filled in a jar of cookies ... watching movies et al., Life is one big joke .... take it or leave it ... a satire on you yourself ... a comedy of errors ... sometimes a catch 22 situation .... The hardcore reality of life.... Inner peace is what everyone seeks ... Seek it with an open mind and closed eyes.

Ever tried blowing your own hard earned money off on others? It's a great feeling .... GIVING without EXPECTATIONS. Expectations kill the joy of giving ...

Life's like that ... at times a bed of roses and sometimes a path of thorns ... just leave everything and move on ... one is not here to please them all ... just collect all your baggage; sort what is needed and take it .... trash the extra baggage bogging you down ... behind you in a heap ... a pile of garbage ... you just move on with the essentials.

In short, keep an open mind and closed eyes .... seek inner peace.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Woman ... Unplugged ...

That's every woman ... Unplugged ... Unheard of ... You need to dig deep within to find her .... every one doesn't get this opportunity ... when you get it ... respect the woman who opens up to you... coz' she has put all on the anvil for you ... her home ... her family .. her life ... If she openly admits her love for you ... Don't hurt her feelings ... it may have been a game for you ... a passtime ... not for her... When a woman gives ...She gives her whole and complete self.

Don't use a woman for your trivial pursuits ... you will go home ... But, she would have lost her home and mind for you. Mind it ... Do not use a woman for your ulterior motives ... her love will be good but her anger irrevocable ... You shall hurt more than her.

This goes for every man ... That has ever loved a woman ... never hurt a woman ... It HURTS to be hurt and lied to.... To be used and left high and dry.

This is from every woman ... Unplugged and open ... Steer clear ... Don't come near if your intentions are unclear.

Dilemma ... Whom to choose?

Well, Human mind and emotions, a complex network of nerve wracking situations ... Glitches that lead to nothingness... hitches that end up being a mess... Just a pile of nerves ... lots happening and nowhere to go. How can one choose between this and that? I can't, I won't... I want the end of both the Worlds.... this World and the dark underworld ... the Crazy and the Evil .... There is no question of choosing ..... It is all about matters of the heart ... You can't separate the heart from the body ... Neither the brain .... One would be lifeless without either of them ... so one is my heart and the other my brain ... Don't ask who is who.... they are a part of me and there is no parting ... Just plain and simple, a clear understanding ... I would be  lost without them.

Friends are what we all crave for. Good friends ... dependable friends ... Who aren't around but yet are a part of your support system .. psychological backup ... your punching bags ..... You have never met them bt they are always with you ... day in and day out. They need not be around all the time, but when the need arises they never back out. This is what true friendship is all about.

So, no DILEMMA.... None to choose. Both are dear to me and shall remain so. My crazy duos ... my Satanic friends ... Naughty Devils ... No jealousy here ... Just plain camaraderie .... My comrades in Arms (Literally). Words bind us together ... Funny satirists... Comic personas... Our words bind us in a melee' that cannot be set apart.

My comic, joking and funny friends ... They bring a smile on my face ... The rest of the World wonders why I smile and laugh .... Just like that ... Nah,  the thought of my duo makes me grin from ear to ear.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Perfect Woman ...

A Perfect Woman ...
What defines her?
What sets her apart?
What brings that glow on her face?
What is her Name?
My name is her Name...
I belong to the genre' of The Perfect Woman ...
I epitomise her ...
I make her what she is...
I am every woman who thinks she is perfect ...
Coz' flaws are in the eyes of the society ...
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.
When you read this ...
Feel like a woman ...
Be the woman that you are ...
And feel absolutely perfect.
Do not let the bane ...
Of being born a woman ...
Bog you down ....
You are the Creator's best yet...
You are Man's worst nightmare ...
A mare that can change the way of the stallion ...
A mere woman ....
That can launch a thousand ships ....
Can cause dynasties to fall apart ...
Can bring the downfall of Governments ...
One word outta your lips ....
The World will be lapping ...
Every word you speak thence.
A perfect Woman you are ....
Chiseled and carved out of ivory ...
Pearly glow your features revel in ...
Silky skin your forte'...
Then why despair ...
Just show your countenance ...
For you are the very word of the Light ...
The Light in which all merge ...
When they are done with their Worldly desires.
Your chipped remains ....
Glow in the dark ...
The path you take ...
Meandering and long ...
Full of mazes ... Yet ...
You carry forth your torch ...
To set ablaze the trail of Truth.
You are a Perfect Woman ...
I am a Perfect Woman ...
Know your self worth ...
Not to hop on the band wagon ....
Of the desolate souls from the underworld....
You are meant to rise from your ashes ...
Rise and soar high ....
For you are the Phoenix ....
The Bird of Paradise ...
A myth for some...
A dream for some ....
A nightmare for some ....
But you are someone....
Perfect in your features ....
Your shadow becoming you ...
Your contours the delight ...
Your eyes shone the light.
A Perfect Woman you are ....
A Perfect Woman I am.

Where Eagles dare ...

Where Eagles dare ....
Man goes astray...
Women pull their hair out in despair ...
For the Eagle had no reason to spare ..
The watchful eyes ... watching every move....
The sinner doeth no harm ...
Lest they catch the eye of the Eagle ...
Hovering above.

Soaring high above ...
Lonesome in his nest ...
He believes he is Satan ...
But, no ... He is not ...
He is the watchful Civil Servant ...
The one helping to rid the land of crimes.

Satan is actually the Vulture ...
That hops over bodies rotting ....
Not an iota of feeling ...
That's the Vulture speaking.
As crazy as it may seem ...
The Vulture is the alpha male ...
The Eagle the true identity ...
Of the man slain at the altar of death...
Death of the common man ....
Death of the unsuspecting woman ...
Who hath belief in the system ...
That reeks and stinks of downfall ...
A stabbing in the back of faith and trust ....
A mask on the face of man they trust ...
A family man gone astray ...
On demands of the carnal instinct...
So distinct of all men ...
The shallow hollow men.

Where Eagles dare ...
These men block the living daylights...
Lest their truth be revealed ...
Exposed they shall decay ...
The vultures too wouldn't ...
Rip their maggot ridden flesh apart.

Where Eagles dare ...
The maiden rises above the ground ...
To dance the flightless dance ...
Music wafting in the air.

Knight's Honour....

Words uttered ... From the mouth of a man...
Heard by the lonesome brethren ....
A Knight's honour ....
Words that spake of trust and faith ....
Believed by the gullible ...
Uncharted terrains to be crossed ...
Men big and small following ...
Through the desert storms and ...
Thundering typhoons ....
Boiling oceans ... Vast expanse....
Men, women and children ....
All following him ...
The one who spake the truth.
A Knight's honour ....
Keeping his words ..
In becoming the man he is ....
He takes them all in his stride ...
As his pride ...
All along the way.
Meandering paths .... rope bridges ...
Over gushing rivers and spiralling whirlpools.
Dense woods ... whispering winds ....
Hallowed shady stonewalls....
None withstanding the surge of might ...
Of the Knight that bespake of freedom....
From the shackles of a tyranny of fate.
I walk the other way ...
Carving a niche' for myself...
I walk away from the mayhem ...
The crowd of humanity ...
That follows the Knight.
I walk away ... in the Knight's honour ...
For I shall not take his honour away ...
By telling the truth ...
Unmasking his face and fate.
The Knight's honour remains intact ...
The truth buried deep within me...
I walk away ... the secret trailing behind me.

Monday, November 26, 2012

A must ...

A must if one wants to remain in a peaceful state ....
Forget ... Erase ...
Not possible!
Easier said than done ...
One can't stop dreaming ...
One can't stop imagining ....
For a person to create and procreate ...
One has to keep the hope alive ...
Remain calm in still waters and in a storm too.
There has to be some semblance ...
To the mayhem ... The heart creates ...
Wandering through meandering imaginations ...
Full of hope and positivity...
Lots of pluses ...
No minuses ...
No negativity ... just a positive optimism ...
Of a life beyond and yonder ...
Full of wonder and surprises...
Just like today and in the past ...
Pleasant surprises that keep you going ...
And gung ho about everything.

A must indeed ...
Is the need to retire into your fantasy land ...
Where all is hunky dory ...
Attract that happiness ...
Bring it into your present moment and ...
Moments to come further.

A must is the need to be absolutely at peace ...
At peace with yourself and the rest of the World...
Nothing should matter ...
But, matters of the heart.

A must .... happiness with and within yourself.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

A piece of me ...

A piece of me ... misplaced ....
Lost in the melee of life ...
Somewhere along the West coast ....
Some where deep within ....
Buried in a forest ....
Enroute via  a lake ...
To the heart that never sleeps ...
In a concrete jungle ....
Based in a city that never sleeps.

A piece of me ....
Left behind ...
Over coffee and a piece of chocolate brownie...
Somewhere in the Coffee place ...
Picked up by the stranger ...
Who once was a known face.

A bit of me ....
By the sea side ...
Walking beside him ...
Left behind a bit of him and me ....
In the frothy foamy waves of the shore.

A chunky piece of me ...
On the green hills ...
Treacherous terrain ...
Yet no fear....
No fear of skidding or falling ....
Off the precipice ...
The biggest adventure of them all.

Bits and pieces ....
A puzzle to be put together...
But not now...
In the back burner of my mind ....
My heart takes rest for a while....
Yet not ready to lose it again ...
But all set for another match....
A rematch ...
To set the scores straight ....
To win the game ....
All over again.

A piece of me ...
A piece of him ....
Put the two together...
A beautiful song to hum.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

What all...

What all people do for love ....
Gawd! Hard to imagine ...
But, it's true ...
Feelings can make a person turn turtle ...
Rather a Goose ...
Seeking love ....
Doing anything for that particular word ...
A state of being ...
When one is totally lost and immersed ...
In another ...
That's why she immersed herself in his idol ...
Yes, Meera Bai ....
She left the mortal World to embrace immortality in his love ....
Lord Krishna! The one whom all fall in love with ...
For his love ...
A glimpse of him ...
Women over ages have sacrificed themselves ...
That's selfless ... unimaginable love ...
What all people do for love.

See them immersed in his songs ....
Oblivious of the gazes that they get ...
Krishna Bhaktas... one and all...
All and sundry .... Just singing away ...
Hare Hare ...
An image conjured in the mind ...
Blessed are those that find peace in him ...
The one from whom the Universe started ...
The one who will end it all.

What all ...we do for love ...
Immolating ourselves in the fiery fire of love ...
Unquenched thirsty love ...
Pure blessed love.
Easier said than done ...
Takes a Braveheart to proclaim their love ...
Takes a Braveheart to burn in love ...
Takes a Braveheart to turn their back on their love ...
So that there is peace ...
The loved one is at peace and not hounded ever again.

It takes courage to love and let go ...
Nerves of steel ...
To steel oneself against the blizzard...
To stand tall and walk away....
To just walk away from the mayhem ...
That Love brings in it's wake.

Better to have loved and lost ...
Rather than, never loved at all.

Phir wohi kahani .... Repeat telecast?

Damn .... Once again , a repeat of the last blunder....
A mistake I don't wanna repeat again...
Once more ... the same situation ...
An outright asking for help ...
An outright cry for love ...
Nah, this time a strict No, No ...
Had enough on my plate to make history repeat itself...
No ways... Not a total stranger ....
Never met ...
Just an acquaintance ....
Nope, don't wanna fall int this trap again.
Funny are the ways of the Lord...
Sending people my way ....
Very well knowing that ....
Am wary of the same kind of moves ....
Am wary of the same mistake being committed twice over.
Once bitten twice shy ....
Am not gonna fall in this trap again.
This time round ...
No repeat telecast ....
Cast away the reel in the dustbin ....
No more ....
No time to waste on trivial pursuits...
No time for anyone else.

Relief ...

What a relief! Whew! ...
Thought she would never leave ...
What lacklustre performance ...
A shame to call an educator ...
Full of mistakes ...
And, falsehood ....
Thank God! She has left .....
Didn't know how to tell her...
On her face ....
That she was a no good teacher.
Always messing up things ...
Messing up plans ...
Messing up accounts ...
Spellos... yikes! A nightmare ...
Looks ... Horror movie heroine ...
The moment one saw her ...
One's mood would be off ...
Always full of spite for others...
Pointing out other's mistakes ...
Never looking at her own self ...
And the blunders she had created.
Thank Lord! The virus is out of the system ...
A pain to call her a teacher.
Have lot of unwinding to do ...
Unwinding the mistakes she had created ...
A bane in the name of Education ...
A shame to our name.
What a relief.... she is out of the system now...
On her own ...
Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Aching ....

Am aching and itching all over ...
The itch has begun...
To yet begin another journey ...
Another adventure to go on ...
My feet never still..
Not a still water ..
But, a stream...
A brook lively with colours and bloom...
The banks alive with life ...
Sounds of critters and music of birds..
A life beckoning me to leap ....
And, reach beyond and yonders....
A life calling out ....
Asking me to live again....
Toleave everything behind ...
To plunge in the labyrinth of another life...
A whirlpool of emotions ....
Knowing not  what lies ahead...
But, yet the adventurous soul within  wants to move forth ....
Experience the goodness of living once again.
An ache ...
A deep within feeling ....
The wanderlust bug has bitten me again.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Bemused wanderings of a naughty mind...

Amused at the hilarious situations people put themselves in. Perched on precarious precipices men, women and children place themselves in. The heart; it is a rather serious comedienne; making us do things, we couldn't ever imagine ourselves doing but we .... we end up doing and making all the silly mistakes that a third person looking at us would scoff at and make fun of us. But, heart; dear dear heart makes a fool of itself always.

But, no regrets. What the heck we all make a fool of ourselves once in a while .. some like me, make a fool of themselves all the time. But, what is the lesson learnt? Keep it in mind always ... you came alone you shall go alone ... you might find a companion in the journey of life ; some who can cope with your speed of travel... some get left behind .. some move ahead and disappear in the oblivion ... Don't lose yourself ... gather your wits and have another show... It will be a complete sell out.

Wander you must. Call yourself a wanderlust traveller in this journey of life. Travel in style.Live life King size and Queen size  There is no other alternative but to move ahead always. Movement should be a constant in your life always.

Wander in the woods or in the concrete jungle you reside in ... but wander you must. There is no alternative to motion. Motion is life itself. Slow or fast; keep moving ... never look back ... there is no looking back ... what's left behind was never meant to be. Just gather your wits, nothing else is needed  to survive ... a good sense of humour... the ability to make a joke out of yourself and every situation in life. Only a true human being can laugh at his or her own self and yet be happy. Be naughty, be childlike... forgive but don't forget the lesson learnt ... move on ... before the sun sets you need to find a place where all like minded souls meet and have a gathering of intellectuals ... wandering minds all out to have some fun.

Am a bemused wanderer ... with wanderlust in her eyes ... stardust in her gaze ... spring in her gait ... a faraway look searching for the cloudburst that is her final abode...

Friday, November 16, 2012

Of late ...

Of late, I feel life has become less hectic. Maybe just a phase, everything seems to be at peace; even me.
The general feeling of nothing really happening seems dull. Is it that the adage 'There's a lull before a storm' apply here? Dunno, I guess I am just imagining it ... but, a new phase is about to begin, more intense and much more hectic but never the less exciting; I guess.

Of late, maybe it's the holiday season, too many days going lazying about, lolling around; doing absolutely nothing... Maybe that is making me feel so lethargic or is it the weather... the nip in the air... winter starting with the bang of firecrackers ... long movie marathons... festivities and loads of rich food to go with it... making me lazy. Nah, lazy; I ain't.

Then, what is it that makes me think that there is too much silence around? Is it that Silence is the fence around wisdom? The fence within which I am cocooned and ensconed warm and cozy. Like a caterpillar all set to become a butterfly. A colourful and meaningful life ahead.

Of late ... the feeling is of peace ... the ultimate bliss each one seeks in a world full of conflict, aches and pain.
Inner peace .... like I have reached the end of my journey  and there is no more to travel. It is time to bid adieu to all and sundry and moving to the next level. Full Stop.