Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Leap of Faith ...

We all come to a point in life when we need to trust our instincts and take that particular leap of faith. To trust the one who opens up to you trusting you completely. No oddities come in between if you trust the one you open up to.

A leap of faith can open up the vistas of newer you in the new dawn ... a surge of energy to better yourself for that one person who has put his faith in you.

The journey may be troublesome, full of potholes yet at the end of it is someone you can trust your life with. All your secrets unfold before the one who has suddenly appeared out of nowhere in your life. All the rest aside ... you move forth with renewed vigour and vitality ... The travel notwithstanding. You won't get the desired fruit but it's not the desire that you crave for; it's the warmth and comfort in the knowledge that there is someone who cares, who feels and who is no exception but a human after all.

It's the path you have taken that matters the most ... not the end result ... The starting point and the end are clearly marked but not the map of the route you take. It could be treacherous terrains or smooth roads or desert sand ... a vast ocean to cross, a river in turmoil just like your thoughts ... but a heart rendering soulful music fills the confines within and you march ahead smiling and energetic.

All it takes is a leap of faith .... a road winding through falls and ridden with creepy crawlies you may loathe but proceed further you must ... there is no stopover ... there is no turning back .... just the leap you have taken and where you land.

Along the journey ... make sure you don't hurt anyone .... It hurts to be hurt. Have faith and all will be fine ... Else it was never meant to be undertaken ... take it as it is ... with a pinch of salt ... That's what life is all about ... A pinch of Salt... A leap of faith.

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