Saturday, December 15, 2012

Bad Taste ... Bad tune ... Equally Bad Music ....

Some people have real bad taste in the kind of people they mingle with ... The kind of music they vouch for or the kind of tune they sing in or hum about.

Bad Taste... Bad Tune and Equally Bad Music.

Volumes can be written about such people... generally , women. Bored housewives looking for some excitement and adventure in the absence of their spouses ... using men like sanitary pads and disposing of them in the garbage bins. Seen the likes of them lately increasing on social networking sites and Men will be men .. falling prey to the damsels who pour their hearts out and the men just leave their own wives at home and reach out to these Bitches  for momentary pleasures of the third kind.

Pleasures of the Third Kind. Yeah! Pleasures sought via social networking sites and the latest applications on gadgets of today. Using their own hands to satisfy themselves while the women feign moaning and watch them make a fool of themselves. Mockery out of relationships ... that's what these people are doing to their families.

Real bad taste... leaves you making a grimacing face and a bitter aftertaste in your tongue ... Yewww!

Copy pasting rotten and horrible poems and couplets to showcase their desires and yearnings these men and women think they are being smart. Bad ass smart that's all that they can really be. Never original always copies and really fake imitations of real passion and love. they have made love seem like a prehistoric nearly extinct feeling from the past and nothing of today.

It makes me anxious and apprehensive to even think of these people out their loose in the net world ... making life seem a parody of sorts ....a satire to write about. I am no expert on feelings .. But, neither am I a novice. I ain't no God to give summons ... am no preacher but, am human with feelings ... true feelings and it really pains me to see people waste their talent and life in nefarious activities ...losing great moments to trivial pursuits.

Bad taste... Bad tune ... Equally bad music ... worse verses ...horrible sense of timing .... real PJs... senseless drama and soaps online.

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