Friday, December 21, 2012

Blissful Atmosphere ...

A day when the entire World is waiting for Death to come , am at peace with myself and whatever that's there that life has to offer. Am in harmony with the love of my life ... One in this life and forever ...  Warming to the sensation that he is there when all else is falling apart around me ... The love is unconditional ... Not changing for any reason whatsoever ... a trust built on our ashes of the past ... A significant better half, so to say for life.

When all are running for their lives , we shall be bonded in our thoughts and deeds ... We shall seek each other out when no form of communication is left ... bereft of the power of the modern world. The antenna ... homing in on to the target in the mental vision ... one never met before, meeting in dreams each day and night ... always there ... withstanding the travails of daily grind.

In all retrospective thoughts ... we have come a long way in life ... we all have ... people from the past and present ... we have grown from the experiences and each has evolved beyond doubt into better human beings , saner people with minds that can decipher and understand what life is really about? Without doubt ... a higher plane of thought and actions that speak louder  than those thoughts.

It is an opportune moment to thank all those who touched my life ... and wonder in their own sweet blissful world I hope , whether I have been able to move on and build a life for myself .... Well! I am LIFE itself ...
Every step I take touches countless other lives and Yes! I make a difference in all those lives ... am there smiling and proud ... chest puffed in high self esteem ... Just There ... Happy with my Beau beside me ... Smiling and cheerful ... Knowing well .... AM untouched by sorrows coz' he is there to sponge them away ... he is there looking on .... he is going to be there when the need arises ...Once in our lifetime .. we shall surely meet .... Just to know , to feel, the person that we love so much ... whether they are a ghost or a reality.

Today ... am in a blissful candour ... a hope for tomorrow ... a blessing in disguise .... an angel beside me ... looking on ... watching over my shoulder ... my boulder ... my bouncer ... my protector... the harbinger of good feelings and spring in  my life again.

A blissful autumn , the leaves falling but a new spring in my life.

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