Monday, December 31, 2012

Suddenly ...

Suddenly, a feeling ....
A feeling of guilt ...
Of remorse ...
Can't say why ...
But it has infused my mind ...
Should I have bitten into the chocolate ...
The forbidden vice ...
I shouldn't have ...
Not good for me at all ...
Not good for the dental makeup ...
Nor good for the lipid retention ability ...
Of my waistline ...
Not good for the high it gives ...
Making me more active than usual ...'Sleepless nights followed ...
No, the forbidden fruit shouldn't have been bitten into....
It would lead to reactions of rejection ...
A sadness filling my being ...
When the after effects are gone ...
The lows felt when the chocolate...
The forbidden fruit is gone from existence ...
From my being ...
Suddenly .... The guilt pangs ....
Suddenly, a feeling of remorse ...
Am not game for having any more Chocolates...
New Year's Resolution ...
Go forbidden fruit ...
Ye go, into your basket forever ...
Go Sinful Chocolate ...
Get back into the pod from ye come forth ....

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