Sunday, December 23, 2012

Do not hassle over my questions ...

My questions are posed to me, myself; not you dear. I wonder all the time , I think a lot ... that keeps my creative juices in constant supply and flowing always.

My questions are for me to answer. They are for me to find an answer for ... not posed to you.

You just get dragged in by your emotional instability thinking they are for you.
My life is bereft of any thoughts of you or for you. I pose my questions to myself only ... never others. I am answerable to myself not to you or anyone else.

My actions speak louder than words. They mean the whole world to me and my clan.

The ones that need to know, understand ... do so, I don't need to explain anything to anybody. These are my words in my world ... Take them with a pinch of salt; if in any way you feel they relate to your circumstances ... They don't.

Your existence doesn't count. It is minimal in the hordes of humanity that mills around me. I am not aware of your being. You mean not an iota to me , so why hassle over what I write ... Those are my feelings and you are treading upon them ... walking into an uncharted territory ... Mine.

Do not hassle over my questions ... they are my musings and opens thoughts ... not yours to count and reply to or lash out at.

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