Sunday, December 2, 2012

Run the race ...

Run... . Run as fast as you can ....This is a race you ought to win .... Dunno how many more moments you are gonna live .. live those moments in ecstasy ... a life filled with happiness and joy .... No regrets ,,,, never look back ... Catch up on lost time .... live ... Just live .... Run .... Sprint across the field ....But don't take short cuts ... do it on your own mettle .... You have it in you to be the best and maintain the position always ... all you need to do is keep pace with the fast moving life .... just keep moving .... brisk steps .... take in the smells wafting throughout the path ... from homes.... from gardens of fresh leaves in spring ... dry leaves in autumn .... the fresh chilled air of winter.... The smell of the soil from the first rain .... the smell of babies ... the little nuances of life that make a big difference .... Catch up on life ... There is life beyond the four walls .... Jump over the fence .... Roll on the grass... look behind the hedge .... you will find life everywhere .... I found life in every sphere and walk .... I am deeply satisfied ... a satiated feeling ....  a feeling of being full .... I embraced life and life embraced me.

Run the race but don't take short cuts ... go the whole winding pathway.... jog along the ocean .... walk by the river .... soak in the mist of the hills ... Just go ... leave the humdrum of hectic fast paced life behind you and mingle with natures best ... You are made to enjoy life .... celebrate life ... procreate and be happy .... not feeling brazen or barren but fertile and young ... full of life.

Run .... Enjoy the rhythm of your heart beat ... enjoy life ... the music of the chirping of birds ... flight of the Albatross.... wing spanned high and low .... the sweet smell of the ocean breeze .... Enjoy it ....feel it ... Plunge in... swim away into the horizon ... coz' that is your destiny .... melt away into the Sunset .... The next dawn welcoming the mortal left behind .... The gulls hovering above ... but the soul merged into eternity.

That's life well lived ... On my own terms.

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