Sunday, December 9, 2012

Insecurities ...

Insecurities ... felt by people who aren't sure of what they are doing or where they are going or unsure about themselves and their own feelings ... let alone the others.

We all go through phases of insecurities. Be it our "Jobs" as we term it ... Be it the career we have chosen ... Be it our relations ... or just plain and simple ... Our Life.

Being Human is what brings on these insecurities and apprehensions and anxiousness ... Have you ever seen an animal feel insecure in it's natural state?

We were made, moulded, crafted and engineered to feel insecure ... that is why we have weapons of destruction and our history is marred with wars. The creator gave us brains ... which makes us think ... think good or bad ... and one thing leads to another and we ned up in a jumbled up mess... a life created by us .... a path we paved .... we tread upon.

Unsure of what lies ahead, we pack a whole lot into our baggage of Life .... some needed, some not needed ... junk ... a lot of junk, yet we can't get ourselves to rid of this junk and end up playing with our emotions and that of others ... for we are all basically egocentric and selfish and insecure ... and we can't LET GO.

Our Insecurities ...they bind us to our ego, our false pride  ... our inhibitions and so called attachments are formed ... That's when the trouble begins ...

Our insecurities squeeze the life out of us ... we go pale ... we lose sight of everything ... hindsight and foresight ... and that makes us commit mistakes ... Mistakes that take a lifetime to surface from ... Sometimes we drown in them.... sometimes we just keeping bobbing our heads in that sea of turmoil... coming up for a breather and then sinking to the bottom again ...

Our insecurities pull us down and we either drown alone or pull others along too.... depends how strong the pull is or how strong is your mental foundation ... the layering done by the mason of your character ... The stronger the foundation ... lesser the insecurities ... the weaker the masonry .... weaker the house that was built upon it ... so keep your foundations strong ... work on it and make it better with each autumn that blows its winds in your direction.

Don't let insecurities bog you down .... work a way around them ... and, move on.

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