Monday, December 24, 2012

Love in Stressful Times ...

Is it possible to really sit back and enjoy a cuppa of tea with your loved one ... in these stressful times? Yes! it is. I just had a cup of tea ... err a mug of tea with my Beau and we laughed our Monday Morning blues away. A beautiful morning ... a promise of more such mornings when we can just be us and sit across and discuss anything and everything ... despite the lemons and cheese that life tosses at us. Coz' it's love that binds us together, not lust.

A day that begins with healthy discussion and unchained laughter ... a harbinger of good things to come through the day ... a melody .... a parody of pain ... just us and our respective cuppas.

A cool morning made warm by conversation that makes us tick ... no stress situation ... just us and our cuppas.... no pain, no aches ... just simple talks that bind us as individuals that brought us together .... destiny a beautiful cupid .... The arrow hit us and we are together, bound by the wound ... bound together by destiny.

Two individuals, two very different people ... suddenly thrown into each others arms .... Love at first sight ... in fact, even before we set our eyes on each other .... pure chastity .... a love to die for ... unselfish thoughts ... just love ... love for mankind, humanity and all things beautiful ... to erase the pain in the World not by going all out but in a subtle gentle manner ... unknown to others but known to two individuals madly in love with each other just being there for the other ... Always ... anytime of the day and night ... just there ... silently watching the back of the other ... No common factor yet so deeply attached. Amazing!

No one said it's gonna be easy ... the road is tough ... the terrain bumpy ... but, with him beside me ... I know am gonna ROCK ... My Hitler(To the World) ... Me and our Clan.

Our World rocks with the sound of music .... music of our love ... the lyrics written ... the notes jotted down and played by the Sun , Moon and the Stars ... The birds and the bees ... Nature itself blessing us with showers of flowers .. hopes of a spring and surprises .... Life well lived in each others arms .... That's what love is all about ... Just being there without EXPECTATIONS.

Love is possible in stressful times ... Love changes all ... Just love and keep on loving ... The World is a beautiful place when you are in love ... All rosy and hunky dory.

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