Monday, December 31, 2012

This Christmas ...

Yeah! This Christmas ... I gave you my heart ...
I gave you my soul ...
I gave you my word ...
Nothings gonna change that for us ...
I am sure ...
You are sure ...
What the heck does it matter ...
If the world is unsure ....
I care about you ...
I love you ...
Am there for you ...
Beyond that promise ...
What else can I give you?

Know me ...
Know me better ...
This is me ...
All for you ...
We haven't met ...
Yet we feel ...
So intensely 'bout each other ...
Does it matter what they feel? ....
No, it doesn't ...
So, why worry ...
Let's not hurry ...
Just slowly ...
Love each other ....
Till eternity.
If there be another life ...
It's betrothed to you ...
You know it well ...
I need not dispel ...
Your feelings ...
Or Quell your fears ...
I am there ...
Now and forever ...
Even in our next life ...
If it comes of being ...
This Christmas and all the coming years ...
I am there as you are there for me.

Love you Papa Bear ...
Goldilocks really loves you.

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