Monday, December 10, 2012

A Different Entity ..

An entirely different ball game ... A real life situation ... So much at stake ... Yet we carry forth our Trivial Pursuits .. Why?

Coz' we are a different entity altogether.

There is nothing that stops us from expressing our feelings and emotions ... yet we hold them back for the loved ones ... We are a different entity altogether ... Not one of the masses to be upheld.... to be devoured by their piercing gaze .... to be laughed and scorned upon for our bold decisions. Decisions that shape our lives and destinies.... we are not to be taken so lightly ... we are human .. we are capable of expressions .... we are capable humans of a different caliber .. not one of the masses to be trampled and tread upon ... we are a class apart ... let's not mix in the crass here. We are a different entity ... absolutely different.

What we share can't be shared with anyone. We have our shares of trials and tribulations ... don't turn them into disasters. The moments spent in each others company; cherish them .... they shall keep you company when I am gone .... They shall remind you of time well spent in some presence with a different entity altogether ... someone special ... not another scrap from a junkyard.

When I write, I pour my heart's feelings out, don't take it so lightly ... It's situational ... depending from time to time on the situation we are in ... It is basically venting out the anger deep within for the atrocities of the crime done against us ..our feelings and it is our final justification for all that has occurred in our one single delusional life. A juxtaposition of random thoughts brought together by our togetherness and our distance.

What I share with you is something special ... None can match that bond ... What I write here is to seal that bond forever ... a dialogue ... a monologue actually or the rantings of a heart either in love or out of it. A different entity altogether.

Different ad unique is this bond ... let's not play with our relation ... keep it plain and simple .. Be there for each other always ... A different take .. for different entities entwined in the same catastrophic blunderous relationship ... Called ... LOVE.

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