Tuesday, December 25, 2012

My Love ... Hmmm ...

No time for love ... But I do take time out for love ... Integrated my love in my time .... My love for all things good ... Clearly standing testimonial for where there is a will, there is a way ... so I always find a way to incorporate love in my daily life ... right from rising and shining in the morning ... breaking the dawn with his face in my view ... to my day to day activities .... where modern technology lends a helping hand ... to my thoughts and feelings that touch him anyways and his vibes reach me ... Technology brought us together and is playing Cupids role in our lives.

A moments pause ... and the heart misses a beat ... fluttering wings like a Butterfly .... Humming bird wings ...  Honey bee buzz ... Chirping Birds ... melody in my heart .... Leaves off the trees ... wind blasting the dry leaves through my door ... An open invitation .... Come love me .... All motivating factors ... Welcoming New Love in the Air.

He is Quiet ... Silent ... Strong .... and yet a baby to be cuddled and loved .... A selfless being full of love for life ... uninhibited , unabashed love for me.... What else to ask for when you have the best courting you?

Imagine such love where the loved one is always there for you ... never a dull moment ... hours looking into each others eyes .... That's my love for you .... Sweet, innocent , pure love. The puritans would bow their head in shame ... if they knew the purity of this love ... The scriptures merely speak of such love ... I am experiencing it ... I am living it .... Pure blissful... Blessed love.

My Love .... The feeling is mutual ... The path the same ... The destination .... Shangrila .... a beautiful journey to be travelled together BEING in LOVE.

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