Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Love .... 24X7 .... Virtually ,,,,

Love the feeling.... the feeling of being in love ....
The season cool and cosy ....
The reason love and affection ...
A bond formed ... maintained and safely kept ...
Hypnotized by the charismatic persona ....
My love is a class apart ...
Oh my Gawd! He is the best that has happened to me in a long time ...
But, someone different ...
Someone whom I love VIRTUALLY ....
Deep throated laugh on that statement ...
Yet, true... Truly Yours ....
The dawn in my life ...
The Sun never sets on the Empire of Love ....
My God, watches over me ....
And sends me the Devil to love.

Am in heaven with the Ruler of Hell....
But, you know...
Deep within he is HUMAN ...
 A great human being with humane feelings ...
With love in every sinew and muscle in his physical being ....
With rhythm in his movements ...
The way he walks....
Like a Tiger who stalks ..
Stealth his weapon, yet care his forte'...
My love ... my Knight in shining armour ...
24X7 with him ... I have seen all his colours ...
And, my verdict he is the best that mankind ever got ...
Am fortunate ... He is mine ...
Mine to keep .. Mine to love ...
Mine to care for ... Mine to defend ...
Mine to protect ... Just mine ...
Yikes! Am sounding possessive ...
Yes... I am possessive about him ..
And, I won't share him with anyone ....
Am gonna be utterly Selfish ...
Can't give my Love away ...
My love ... My life ... my sentiments ...
All count .... to make my day.

Love the Emperor of my Heart ...
The King and His Queen ...
They make a HAPPY FAMILY ...
A beautiful love story unfolding ...
Keep reading for more .....

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