Thursday, December 13, 2012

My musings on HATRED ...

Well! Hatred gets the worst out in you and I believe the best out of you.

My musings on Hatred are based on my personal experience of loving and hating people and at times situations and circumstances. Our circumstances make us or break us. They give us experiences and our reaction to the situation we are faced with.

Hatred as per my norms is my reaction to what I am dealing with and who it is that I am facing. My adversary decides my action and reaction. The route to take and the stand I take on any issue. If my personal space is encroached upon, I go ballistic and go all out of my way to fiercely protect my territory and   my space. Someone asked me lately, what's your territory? Well, I answered with my actions; as actions speak louder than words. Don't mess with me is the look I give to my adversaries. It's not hatred as people would love to put the words in my mouth ... It is a territorial look ... Every animal, bird... organism does it ... I am but human.

My Hatred so far has brought the best out of me. Be it witty humor or sarcastic remarks ... It's all there for the third person to see and read between the lines. Break the morale of the enemy .. let them live, with you in constant view ... happy while they languish in their own penury.

Hatred is a state of extreme distrust and anger over something that you can't control. Control your emotions and you have won the World ... release the anger and you are labelled. Who cares? I don't ... I have every right to RIGHT the wrong done to me ... I have every right to stand up and proclaim ... YES! I was used and this is payback time. I have every right to question my tormentor ... WHY?  I have every right to my RIGHT on the relationship that was and couldn't be coz' someone was weak and incapable of carrying the same on his/ her shoulders... shoulders that seemed strong ... but gave way under pressure.... the lies ... the despicable lies that turned my World upside down..... I have every right to judge their characters form a different angle now and make my own inferences based on the character.... Not character assassination but character evaluation. I have every right to my musings and the words that I spit out ... spew out in hatred as some might put it.

I have every right to my musings on Hatred ... On people ... On situations ... on circumstances ... Don't circumcise my statements ... Read them but keep your views to yourself .... am not game to give an explanation for what I do or say ... They are my thoughts ... I fiercely and overly protect them.

So, go on living your bare existence .... I thrive in my World ... My World ... My space ... My Territory as I rightly put it to you.

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