Monday, December 17, 2012

The Power of the written word ...

Yes, I have it in me .... I have it with me ... The absolute power of the written and the spoken word . Not many can boast of this exclusive quality ... which very few really imbibe in their lives.

Words from the Queens English to words from the Ghettos ....  If you have the knowledge ... You can unleash a thousand devils upon your insolent stalkers. You can throw open the gates of hell upon the imbeciles ... you can launch a million ships to vanquish the devil within; the beasts and bitches residing in the world.

Words that don't kill yet give a zillion moments of death to your tormentors.... Those are powers I am referring to.... Words that can rip apart the clothes from a persons torso and yet be enough to cover the soul in the coffin ... I am the wordsmith and I mince not my words ... I spew venom when threatened and I spit fire upon the down trodden termites of the holy land.

Rightly said ... Well read people are less likely to be evil .... but rightly experienced too .. well read people can unleash the power of heaven and hell upon Earth  with the words that they keep locked within.

Words can make your life ... words can break your life .. all you need to do is keep in check what you give out .... what needs to be told and what to be kept a secret forever... your certificate ... your bond to free life.

Hassle not over what I write ... worry about your actions .. for action speaks louder than words ..lest I act upon my words ... where will thou hide ... where will you seek redemption? I am but a human with all emotions intact and the power to react to situations. So, avoid any altercation with me, lest I crumble you under my feet ... a dust that would be blown away by wind ,... a VINE with juice mingled with refuse of the Earth.

My words aren't mere words ... they are an announcement to the world ... Here I come ... with the power known to few.

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