Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sing your song... Dance your dance ... Tell your tale...

Not a tale of two cities but a tale of two lives .... Sing your song ... Dance your dance .... Tell your tale.
The dance of the Love Birds ... The dance of the Millennium ... A beautifully orchestrated music and dance session for your eyes only ... The dance choreographed by the Supreme Being ... A melody to be heard ... Movements fluid and blissful.

Two hearts living in one mind ... Two souls blessed by the Universe... A parody of errors by someone up there .... a catch 22 situation ... But, what the heck! Live on ... Love on .. You only live once ... Live it in a loving relationship ... Sleepless nights yet energetic days full of enthusiasm .. Days filled with yearning for the Lover ... Nights talking endlessly unaware of the time .... till Sunrise just deeply engrossed in lovers talk .... a dialogue that never ends.

No promises ... No commitments ... yet there for each other. Day in and Day out ... Two hearts waiting upon each other ... wanting nothing but lovers smile .... so innocent ... a regal love .... a love incomparable and unfathomable by others. Singing their song ..... Dancing their dance .... Telling their tale..... Untold.

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