Friday, December 28, 2012

Lost and Found Again ... My Treasure ... My Friends ...

Yeah! Found my lost Treasure again ... MY Friends ... old friends. The action taken was necessary to sit back and observe and INTROSPECT ... Found the truth staring at me with a gaping mouth. Hope my friends understand. This exercise to exorcise the enemy was imperative.

Found my Treasure.... My Friends...

Like Jack Sparrow ... I went on an adventure o soul searching ... hurt my soul sister so that I could get to the bottom of the matter ... found the map ... the route to the root of all the problems ... A bored housewife out for some fun at the cost of others emotions. The Black Beard of our Story ... The one eyed Crow along ... Annihilation is imperative... Root canal treatment from dentistry needed.... if you get what am implying.

Yes! Found my treasure again ... am back to kick some arse ... am back to make things alright ... am back to the basics ... coz' in simplicity lies happiness. Simple thinking .... Ignore with a stern look ... even a beast backs out when you give a silent roar.

In Unity lies the answer to wipe out the Virus ... Altogether you are one force .... the devil can't outlive or outwit. One life to live ... One common enemy to fight.

Long live Friendship ... not born out of Boredom but one common goal .... plain and simple .... The Treasure .... FRIENDS are FOREVER.

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