Saturday, December 29, 2012

Mean Machine .... Heart...

Yupp! That's right ... Our Heart ... The Mean Machine ...
It makes us pine for another ....
It makes us crave for another ...
It makes us helpless ...
It makes us crib ...
It makes us cry ...
It makes us so weak ...
The mean Machine that it is ...
Just whirring away ...
Emotions welling up ...
Missing someone ...
Eyes searching out and within ...
Introspection ...
Observation ...
Retrospection ...
Name it, and ...
Every action taken ...
To carve the name on the heart ...
At times of desperation ...
Trying to scratch it out ...
A state of dilemma ...
A state of no respite ...
Thoughts coming and going ...
Input, output not matching ...
Thoughts positive ...
Thoughts negative ...
Neutral none ...
Mean machine at it ...
Siphoning away all power ...
Eating into the feelings ...
Why this muscular thing throbs ...
An organ that beats ...
But feels ...
Feelings deep and profound ...
Making you hear music even when none around.
My heart beats ... skips and hops ...
As though touched by a hot iron rod ...
A pop from the corn ...
The ears of which wrenched off ...
A clobber of hooves ...
A sigh in the silent night.
Mean Machine ...
Still pumps blood ...
No respite ...
Come pain and heartbreak ...
It doesn't skip a beat ...
The brain loses it ....
The body loses the power ...
But the Mean Machine goes on ad on ...
Pop goes the sound ...
Nothing else but a silence ... An eerie silence ....
But, for now ... The show goes on ...
The mean machine happily pumping blood ....
And, mirth in life ...
Love in the air ...
Who cares ...
I don't ...
Enjoy while you can ...
See tomorrow, if it comes ...
But, for now ...
Love and laughter fills my life...
Mean Machine or no machine.

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