Monday, December 24, 2012

The Bold & The Beautiful ....

She was ... is ( I dunno) ... Bold & Beautiful ....
One who spoke her mind ...
We met on an uncharted terrain ... just like that ...
One common thread binding us ...
My friend , Philosopher and Guide ...
But. somewhere she is lost ...
Lost in the chaos and mayhem created by rioters ....
Gate crashers in the party that was ...
They used her ...
Misused her sentiments and feelings ...
I wasn't aware ...
By the time I got to her ...
She was lost ...
Lost in the mayhem ...
The hulla bulloo... the result of aspersions ...
False implications ...
My friend lost forever in this mad world ...
Desperately seeking "Shweta" my friend ...
The only one who spoke truth always.

She was a true soul ...
No malice in her heart ...
Straightforward and frank ...
With respect for all mankind....
She has to be found and her rightful place be given ...
All obscurity removed ...
For she truly deserves a standing ovation ...
I fight a lone battle on her behalf ...
To get her the justice she so deserves ...
One man ...
So many heartbreaks ...
Not possible ..
Unless he is a Serial Womaniser ...
Lying in wait to strike ...
The gullible and innocent ones.
The Bold & Beautiful Brigade ...
Seeks its SOUL SISTER.

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