Monday, December 31, 2012

As the Year Ends ...

As the Year Ends ... when I look back ... I see a different ME at the beginning and a whole new ME today.
What a drastic change from someone who trusted blindly to a person who doesn't trust anymore.

What made ME who I am? No, not someone per se, but circumstances ....My decisions gone awry ... Blind trust and faith .... catapulted by deceive ... deceit and fowl play ... in Business and in life.

But, towards the end, today am happy ... am an evolved being ... Success at a cost but nevertheless; Success with my Loved ones beside me and a whole new World waiting to embrace me. The New year will see me busier, with little or no time for my beloveds but yes happier doing what I do best and giving them the best that life has to offer on Earth.

I shall be travelling more often, infact living out of the suitcase will be the new mantra for the coming times...
Always on the move living my dream of Travelling and enjoying life to the hilt. A life chosen solely by me ... Leaving all care to the wind... Absolving myself of all the responsibilities and moving on to newer roles to play. Living my dreams and aspirations ... no expectations ... on the move with few essentials ... moving towards greener pastures and environs ... friends and foes left behind ... a World to explore ... new ventures to capitalise upon.

Without doubt ... A new adventure begins .. with new friends in tow and newer horizons to conquer.

Looking back I can quip ... I had a life well lived ... where the last year saw me losing hope in loved ones ; it brought me closer to my family and the real people in my life, some left behind , some caught up with me and brought a smile back on my lips. I found a strength within me; I knew not of ... I found my roaring self ... silent yet strong ... I realised being a woman is no joke ... a woman of substance with strong values and stronger resolve.

My long lost family was found ... Found a voice in their support ... Found MYSELF ... Found my Destiny.
The never ending search began and continues ... coz' life can't be a fullstop ... It's a question mark.

As the year ends ... I look back and wave a goodbye to the old self and welcome the new ME ... Wholeheartedly.

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