Thursday, December 6, 2012

A twist of fate ... Crazy indeed!

Never imagined ... Never thought ... That a twist of fate would bring us so close and yet distance us ... miles apart. The imaginations of a twisted mind ... a crazy soul that thought of nothing but his own satisfaction and never the feelings of the women involved. A twist of fate that embroiled the Women in a proxy duel with each other. It was not to be fated with just one unhappy soul but many more in the wings under wraps ... a serial flirt working on emotions and crushing them just like that.

A crazy person ... a bio hidden from the real world and family ... In reality known to be respectable but a heinous individual raping emotions and feelings in the virtual world. Someone with a twisted mind and character maligning others while himself a true devil in character. Sweet talker ... smooth mover ... Gods knows what else!

A twist of fate .... He is in the docks for his crimes against women ... Crazy indeed yet not learnt his lessons well. A hard stance needed to show him the path to righteousness and his real HOME.

No Man ... whoever be he ... has the right to hurt ANY woman ... For he himself might have a wife, Mother, Sister and daughters at home ... What goes around comes around ... It's but one small World ... Isn't it.

So, pay heed to the sharp words of caution .. It is a SMALL WORLD and history repeats itself over and over again ...

A Twist of fate .... You met me ... You shouldn't have ... How you wish ... Don't you?

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