Sunday, December 9, 2012

Next Life ...

Next Life is what you said ... Jolt! Am back to reality .. A complete reality check .... Whew! Hope you mean it ... Next life as promised by you ...

So, raising a toast to the promise of a future after life .... Come what may ... might as well enjoy this life as you are ... So that next life is reserved just for you...

Tipping the felt of my imaginary hat, in a courteous bow and a wave of Goodbye ... Until Next life .... For I have plans of  enjoying this life without reservations ... Pop out of the shell and just worm my way through till a cocoon encrusts me and I pop out again .... in Next life...

The nut was hard to crack ... Yet I cracked it ... In the process .... Of course! Lots were affected ... the code uncoded ... The mask unveiled .... Now, waiting for Next Life ...

It takes a lot to control what isn't in your hands to handle ... It takes a lot of strength to smile and say Go on , live on .... Until Next Life ... Indeed, tough! But, live we must this life too ... So, I soar once again ... encompassing within my wingspan ... a beautiful World ... a new World from a different perspective and Live on ... until, Next Life...

No promises this time round ... No sweet nothings ... pure, brute reality ... come what may .... Enjoy what is left to the hilt ... No guilt .... Move onto next Life ...

Like the tree where birds perch and wander off, flowers from whence nectar sucked by bees ... I ain't no flower to be no more ... I ain't no benevolent tree ... I no more give shade ... I no more remain in solitude ... I  move into the World for Man has cut off my limbs and made Rocking chairs outta them ... Man has cut my trunk and turned it into a piece of art ... Man, has used my leaves to cure his apathy and Man has used my berries to quench his thirst and ward off his hunger.

I still have life left in me... coz' my roots run deep.... they are strongly entrenched ... deep rooted and strong indeed ... so, I decide to unfurl my magic again .... leaves sprouting from my scars ... a new dawn sees new life ... Until Next Life.

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