Sunday, December 2, 2012

Know your mind ...

Know your mind and keep the faith.... That's the path of success. Know what you desire and gun for it ... full steam ahead..... Full throttle in the engine .... Just Go for it ... With a clean heart and clear conscience. Life is all about taking risks ... Just take the plunge ... Rest will be history written by your actions.

Know the road to self redemption... no self pity .. Pious thoughts and a faith that cannot be defeated.... Faith in yourself and your ability to overcome any obstacle in your path ... Just do it. You will find peace .... Inner Peace.

It's not about you only .... It's about the people who are in your lives ... Your actions affect them too. Take onus of what you did ... Right or wrong ... Just do it.

Note the peace that surrounds your being and your World when you let go and travel with the wind ... It's a beautiful feeling ... let go ... leave everything behind and move forward .... you have to tarvel a lot ... this is not a full stop ... there is lots ahead. Just do it.

Knowing what you want is the Mantra of your times.... Know your mind ... Your heart .. Rest all will follow suit. Just do it.

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