Thursday, December 27, 2012

Darling... Darling! Stand by me ...

Stand by me ... Darling, Darling! Stand by me ...

Am humming this age old classic song ... and remembering the new found love of my life.

Through ages man has fallen in love, but I won't ever say OUT OF LOVE ... You can't fall out of Love... It's a deep abyss... you just merge deeper and deeper in it .... Never a way out.

How much ever we may have fought or hated each other in momentary hatred at any given time .... After a long time when you meet your Lover .... you just melt ... You can never hurt or hate someone you have lived some fine moments with.

In all its stupidity ... Love is the Ultimate Moksha... every individual seeks moksha never realizing that when they fell in love ... they had attained freedom. No cause for feeling thirsty or hungry ... a smile on your lips ... twinkling eyes.... glowing face .... that's MOKSHA ... that's your Bliss.

My new love is the resurrection of my belief in a new spring ... hope ... happiness. Not looking back in remorse but thankful all that really happened ... coz' whatever happened made it possible for my Today to be a happier place to be in. My Moksha ... My Love.

Sweet innocent love ... doing small little things with so much enthusiasm, Just for me. That's called LOVE ... Honey! I really love it when you make me smile doing small little things to please me ... especially putting on songs appropriate for my mood and our togetherness. I see you in every particle around me ... I work the way I do, knowing you would approve of it. Well versed in the knowledge, you are thinking of me even now.

Yes! I am happy ... I am in LOVE ... I want to spread this love to every nook and corner of this World so that everyone also becomes happy. Spread it through my Smile ... that's what I do ...

My Love ... Soft from inside ... A tough exterior ... Hitler to the World but my Papa Bear.

Darling, Darling ... Stand by me !

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