Thursday, December 13, 2012

YRH ...

I am the Princess of his dreams ...
The Queen of all his thoughts ..
I am the Royal Highness he thinks ...
YRH  ... Your Royal Highness.

Sitting upon my Royal Throne ...
My Chair of authority ...
I control the City ...
The city of Dreams.

My King ...
I am your Queen ...
Princess I am to the World ...
You are my World and ...Nothing more ...
I desire in this Life.
Life is a whirlwind affair ...
An affair to remember ...
They say all is fair ...
In Love and War.

I have loved in the past ...
As I love today ...
Wholly, immensely, truly ....
To the core.
The Swan Song as I term it ...
The dance that we dance ...
We are the World of each other ....
Today a surreal reality ...
Tomorrow a distant dream ...
Yet a dream no matter what ...
To make come true soon ...
But, not at the cost of tears ...
Not with pain to our dears.

If not this life ...
The afterlife is ours to share ...
To dance into the twilight zone ...
The dawn to dusk melody playing on.

Life as it comes and goes ...
As it cons us ....
We play our parts well ...
Smiling for the rest ...
Deep ache within.

You are and shall always be ...
Close to my bleeding heart ...
For I am radiant coz' of you ...
I glow with your love.
I bask in the love you share ...
I glorify the word ...
I am you ... You are me ...
Nothing can divide that.

An ice maiden vouches for you ...
For you melted her heart ...
Soothsayer or lover ...
You are one with her....
On her journey deep within ...
Realms unknown to her.

YRH ... Is yours to keep ...
Hidden ... Tucked away in the core of your Heart.

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