Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Wake Up Call ... From the Frustrated Bitch ...

I was deep in slumber and ... knock knock knock ....
She woke me up ....
Grrr! was my response ... Lemme sleep , she won't ...
So be it .... For once and for all ....
So, it ought to be the end of the World for her today ....
Heard of RAPE ...
Virtually Rape her in the Timeline ...
She wants it ....
She craves it ....
The sadist that she is ...
The multigamus whore that she is ....
She deserves no mercy....
Today is DOOMS DAY for her...
The frustrated BITCH that she is ....
Asking for more and more.

So, am wide awake ...
After the Wake up buzz from the Frustrated Bitch...
The alarm rang and up and about ...
But, she ran away ...
What she needs is a good spank ...
On her plank ... Kaput ...
That should really do the needful...
Mindful she will become ....
Of the power I wield in my hand ...
Within my fingers ...
To showcase the power of the words ...
That she copy pastes ...
No originality in her ...
Knows she not ...
Am part of the Illuminati ...
Way above her common reproachable sense...
Her downclass mentality ...
She has to know ...
Who is the BOSS here.
Aah The call ... The tweet from her ...
A sign ...
A signal ... Aa bael mujhe maar...

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