Thursday, November 22, 2012

Relief ...

What a relief! Whew! ...
Thought she would never leave ...
What lacklustre performance ...
A shame to call an educator ...
Full of mistakes ...
And, falsehood ....
Thank God! She has left .....
Didn't know how to tell her...
On her face ....
That she was a no good teacher.
Always messing up things ...
Messing up plans ...
Messing up accounts ...
Spellos... yikes! A nightmare ...
Looks ... Horror movie heroine ...
The moment one saw her ...
One's mood would be off ...
Always full of spite for others...
Pointing out other's mistakes ...
Never looking at her own self ...
And the blunders she had created.
Thank Lord! The virus is out of the system ...
A pain to call her a teacher.
Have lot of unwinding to do ...
Unwinding the mistakes she had created ...
A bane in the name of Education ...
A shame to our name.
What a relief.... she is out of the system now...
On her own ...
Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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