Friday, November 2, 2012

Difficulties.... they strengthen me...

Yeah! Difficulties ... make me stronger ...
Calamities .... Strengthen my resolve....
Adversity in the face ... make me smile brighter....
That's the fundamentals ... to live by ....
That's the thought that weakens the devil.
I am a woman ....
Every woman within me ...
The strength of a woman unmatched ...
Though I walk alone ...
There are multiples that walk behind me.
I set an example ....
Others follow.....
That's what leaders are for ....
Being forward ...way ahead of their times....
I am way ahead of others ...
Coz' I have the conviction ...
To say and do as I please ...
I don't bend when adversity strikes...
I keep my head held high.
I am every woman .....
Yet, I am ME....
Difficulties ... they strengthen me.

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