Monday, November 12, 2012

God makes sense ...

The word God makes sense ...Not humans....They are senseless beings indulging in senseless acts. We all have our idiosyncrasies but that doesn't mean we apply pressure on others to follow the same. If you are happy you are happy ... if you are sad; keep your moroseness to your own self rather than imposing yourselves on others.

You have moved on ... let the other being be. But, what you owe them ... give it back... else it is a small World and actions speak louder than words. Never take anything from anyone if you don't have the capacity to replenish it when you are gone. It's always a give and take relationship. Every relation is a give and take. If you take, have the shame to return the favour. Else, you ain't a man but .... you know what.... I don't need to elaborate it .. do I?

God makes sense .... the word .. the feeling .... the sentiment .... but not an idol or form. It is the Supreme being .... sort of a light, a glow within everything ... man, machine or animal  and trees.... anything that brings you spiritual happiness.... that helps solve your problems.

It makes sense to acknowledge what an angel has done for you. It makes absolute sense when you are humble and not high and mighty ..... living a lie. 

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