Friday, November 2, 2012

Karvachauth..... A farce women believe in ....

Karvachauth .....
Does it really stand the test of time?
In today's times ....
Does it really have any meaning?
Do people really keep the fast with the same feelings over a period of time?
No, They don't.
It has just become another ritual to show off ....
Your jewellery ...
Your social status.....
Your false sense of belonging to a man....
His false act of being the ideal husband.....
Nah... Just a false belief ...
Just a false ritual ....
Married whores...
Staying in a loveless marriage ...
Just for the sake of comfort and riches...
Nothing else...
Spreading their legs for a man ....
Who must have done it to half a dozen others during the day....
And, at night with half a dozen others.
The one wearing the Red Vermillion waiting upon her so called husband....
Actually waiting upon the moon to show up ...
So that she can eat her food.... Hungry women...
Only a grand show of grandiose tomfoolery.
The very essence of true love ...
Has been lost forever ....
What with marriages fixed for material gains....
What with feelings expressed to fool someone....
Yet, I keep this tradition alive ...
Albeit not for anyone anymore ...
For myself ....
For the woman in love with the supreme being ...
The one who makes the World come alive.
A farce women want to believe in ....
Karvachauth.... a false belief ... nothing else...
The men for whom they keep this fast ...
Fast asleep in someone else's arms.

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