Monday, November 5, 2012

The Devil within...

We all have it ....
The little devil within....
We are all devils without the horns ...
Yes.... but where's the trident ... That he holds?

The devil within ...
In childhood makes us do innocent mischief .....
In teens ... rebellious outrages....
In young adulthood... crimes of passion ...
In oldage ....
It is just too tired ....
Yet, it is still existent ....
Upto some mischief or the other ...
But, yet again ...
Cute mischief ....
Coz' It ain't all that bad....
It's just our self ... That needs recognition...
So, does things that don't suit our persona per se.

The devil within....
Wants us to acknowledge its presence....
Wants us to know ...
It has feelings too....
Needs .... unmet needs...
Silent needs ....
Loud despicable needs...
Needs stifled by societal taboos....
Needs ... plain and simple needs ...
Of a human mind ... trapped in a mortal body....
A mind with infinite possibilities...
Infinite probabilities ....
An infinity within an inferno ...
Desires of the devil ....
Lots of desires .....
Unwarranted for actions .... for fulfilling those desires...
Chained aspirations ...
Unchained emotional outbursts.
The devil within ...
The suppressed desire....
The oppressed woman ....
The ostracized soul ....
The categorized human....
One and all the same.

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