Thursday, November 22, 2012

What all...

What all people do for love ....
Gawd! Hard to imagine ...
But, it's true ...
Feelings can make a person turn turtle ...
Rather a Goose ...
Seeking love ....
Doing anything for that particular word ...
A state of being ...
When one is totally lost and immersed ...
In another ...
That's why she immersed herself in his idol ...
Yes, Meera Bai ....
She left the mortal World to embrace immortality in his love ....
Lord Krishna! The one whom all fall in love with ...
For his love ...
A glimpse of him ...
Women over ages have sacrificed themselves ...
That's selfless ... unimaginable love ...
What all people do for love.

See them immersed in his songs ....
Oblivious of the gazes that they get ...
Krishna Bhaktas... one and all...
All and sundry .... Just singing away ...
Hare Hare ...
An image conjured in the mind ...
Blessed are those that find peace in him ...
The one from whom the Universe started ...
The one who will end it all.

What all ...we do for love ...
Immolating ourselves in the fiery fire of love ...
Unquenched thirsty love ...
Pure blessed love.
Easier said than done ...
Takes a Braveheart to proclaim their love ...
Takes a Braveheart to burn in love ...
Takes a Braveheart to turn their back on their love ...
So that there is peace ...
The loved one is at peace and not hounded ever again.

It takes courage to love and let go ...
Nerves of steel ...
To steel oneself against the blizzard...
To stand tall and walk away....
To just walk away from the mayhem ...
That Love brings in it's wake.

Better to have loved and lost ...
Rather than, never loved at all.

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