Thursday, November 8, 2012

I thought .....

I didn't know ....
I thought .... you had erased me from your memory ....
Never thought you would designate me the place in your heart ...
And lives ...
Am overcome with emotions ...
Heavy emotions ....
Thank you Daddu ...
Thank you Maa....
What Maa couldn't do as a mortal being ....
She is doing from up there ....
She is still here ....
I can feel her looking at me and saying as she used to say ...
Radhika you are the best but for your anger ....
Yaa aar ya paar ....
That naughty smile ....
That understanding ....
What happened? God knows ... His ways....
But, I miss my FAMILY....
I owe it to you Maa ...
This is an ode to your relentless and undying faith ....
That one day all will be well ....
Wish I could get you back ....
Take away all the pain ....
I was your Mother in law remember ....
You were never mine ...
You were my Maa and Daddu ...
You taught me to make the perfect rotis and parathas ...
And, rajma and choley ....
The best Baingan ka bharta ... kids love it ...
Baingan ka Raita ....
Aloo ka Raita....
And, always the most for me ...
Even mangoes ... I remember ....
You pampered me too much ....
So I took so many liberties with you ...
You were mine ...
You still are my Maa and Daddu ....
Signing on a piece of paper doesn't change anything ....
The relation remains....
Albeit just with you ....
But, it does ....
People ask me why I didn't change my name again ....
And, I say ... signing a piece of paper doesn't change any relation.
I thought you had torn all the photos and deleted me from your life ...
But, here I am ....
Standing tall ...
As your daughter ....
Your daughter will never let you down ...
She will make you proud always....
Love you both Maa and Daddu ....
Let the wheel turn .....
Let the Garden blossom forever.

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