Thursday, November 15, 2012

Love isn't just a word ...

Love ... A word? Nope....
Love isn't just a word ....
A feeling or state of being ...
It is prayer in broad daylight ....
It is humbleness at its very core...
He proves it by remaining quiet.
Words couldn't have made the same impact .....
As his silence did.
Not a word ...
Yet he said it all ...
The mute message ....
Was all, he sent across...
But the message was well understood....
A relation only true lovers can relate to ....
A state of being ....
Only true lovers can be in....
A feeling only true lovers can feel ...
Without the formality of touch ....
Or verbal communication ....
The body language ...
The silence says it all.
Love isn't a word by itself ....
It is what true lovers prove ...
Even by being apart .....
Yet meeting each night in their dreams....
Where no one can disturb them ....
All on their own ....
They hold each others hand ...
That's it .... that is all that is needed....
For love to flower in a desert of silence.
Love isn't just a word ...
It's an echo of the beating of two hearts ....
In unison to the sound of music ...
Entrenched deep within them.
A soulful song ....
Strings being strummed .....
Words hummed ....
Soft music... yet strong influence....
A congruence of two rivers....
Melting of ice in Ocean....
What you see outwardly is just a bit ....
There is a lot beneath the surface ....
A strong undercurrent ....
Someday the lovers will meet ....
When all is settled ...
When the murky water settles...
Then in the crystal clear brook ...
Will you hear the melodious sound of the lovers music.
Love isn't just a word ....
It is music to the ears.

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