Sunday, November 11, 2012

Absolute Bliss...

Permanent solution ....
Eat well ...
Absolute bliss ....
Kebabs... Biryanis....
You name it and I shall have it ..
On a culinary tasting spree ...
Tastebuds ... leaking with saliva....
Move over Ivan Pavlov ....
All I know is food ... Food delights me.
Tickle my senses ....
Moksha ... Absolute bliss...
That's what life is all about ....
Finding a purpose ...
In winters .... Indulge in tasteful licks ....
Curl up in bed and order what you want ...
You shall get it ...
It's just a call away ....
What? Your food ...
Your ultimate purpose for living ...
And going out and working hard ....
That's what Man works for ...
Oops women too ....
For the two square meals ...
That their hard work can get them.
I work for my Bread, Butter, Sausages, Ham and Salami.
Absolute Bliss.

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