Sunday, November 4, 2012

Inspire me....

Inspire me .... my muse ....
I say ... to the reflection ....
I whisper in the ears of the person ...
Looking  lovingly at me ....
And, the act begins.

Inspire me for greatness .....
Greatness within ...
Not for the World to witness....
But, for me to experience ...
Just like yesterday .....
Yesterday was a great day ....
A day I felt I had achieved something ....
A bit but every drop that falls makes an ocean.

Someone up there really likes me ....
Gives me problems only I can solve ....
Gives me the strength to be the best ...
In whatever that I do.

Ah, yes! You may think this is narcissism...
But, heck no ....
It ain't...
It is but a thanks to the Supreme power ....
For having faith in me....
A never dying .... never ending faith....
In my ability .. to surface unscathed ....
Albeit a bit tired and at times frustrated ...
Yet, a wholesome being ...
Content by herself ... in being who she is....
An entity ..... an identity....
Of her own ...
Despite adversity ....
Standing tall .... with him watching over me all the time.

Inspire me ... to be the best further....
Send more challenges my way ....
Success gives a high ....
That no drug can match.
I don't match my success with money ...
My success is the countless smiles ...
Of the little ones that look upto me....
They motivate me to be who I am .....
The best.... The best of them all.

Innssspppiiiirre ME ....

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