Thursday, November 22, 2012

Aching ....

Am aching and itching all over ...
The itch has begun...
To yet begin another journey ...
Another adventure to go on ...
My feet never still..
Not a still water ..
But, a stream...
A brook lively with colours and bloom...
The banks alive with life ...
Sounds of critters and music of birds..
A life beckoning me to leap ....
And, reach beyond and yonders....
A life calling out ....
Asking me to live again....
Toleave everything behind ...
To plunge in the labyrinth of another life...
A whirlpool of emotions ....
Knowing not  what lies ahead...
But, yet the adventurous soul within  wants to move forth ....
Experience the goodness of living once again.
An ache ...
A deep within feeling ....
The wanderlust bug has bitten me again.

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