Thursday, November 8, 2012

Swords drawn out ....

Daggers and Swords .....
All drawn out ...
A war cry .... shrill and harsh ....
Sounding in the distance ....
The howl of the hounds....
Swords drawn out ....
Daggers drawn out ....
A click of the safety pin ....
Of a Handgun ....
A gang war .... on the go ....
A war to watch out for ....
I hold onto my baseball bat ...
That's all I need ....
To break the jaw of the opponent ...
My daggers and sword in their sheaths....
No need for sharp weapons...
My tongue is sharp enough ....
My words are rasp enough ...
My writing is good enough to launch a warhead ...
To send them hurtling down to hell.
Just like an arrow ....
A bullet .... or a strike of the sharp object...
My words can't be taken back ....
Once uttered ... They are the gospel truth.
I am the reigning terror around ....
I am the reigning Queen ...
Try as you may ....
I am invincible ...
Coz' am the living dead.
Nothing can kill me or give me pain ...
I am the invincible one....
I am the reigning Queen of terror....
I am ... the banished one...
I vanquished all my fears....
I triumphed in the end...
I juggle between pain and pleasure ....
I shuttle between the living and the dead.
Swords and daggers drawn out ...
They don't impale me with fear ....
I am a dagger drawn by the almighty itself.

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