Thursday, November 8, 2012

Empty Cartridges ....

Clink.. plunk....clunk...
The empty cartridges fall down ....
The Cowgirl pushes her gun back in the belt ....
Moves forth .... Kicks the dead bandit with her boots with silver studs ....
Chequered shirt and tight faded jeans....
Leather belt and a Cowboy Hat ...
That's all ... that is needed to ....
Make a statement ....
That's me ....
My new avatar ...
A rural lass in the making ....
An urban chick fading ....
Uber class lady ....
Flinging all the bling  .....
Just moving on ...
Nothing left behind ....
Not even memories of the remote past ....
SoBo Chick .... on the go ...
A long winding path to carve ....
That's her .... That's me ....
Empty cartridges ....
Left behind....
All the bandits of the past ....
Dead behind ....
Corpses ... rotting in the Sun ....
Eaten by vultures ...
All behind me....
I trudge along the waterway ....
The River of no return.

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