Friday, November 9, 2012

Mystery ....

He was a mystery ....
The mystery man ...
The man who came flamboyantly ....
And, changed the course of my life .......
He led me to the brink of my extinction ...
Why? Why did he do this to me?
A mystery .... that puzzles me.

The talks .... the walks ...
The rides ....
All a farce?
Or, was it real or surreal reality?
A mystery to be solved.

My eyes search him in the crowd....
I see him in every being ...
Watching me ....
Marking every move I make ...
Remaining in the shadows ...
He stalks me ....
The Mystery puzzles me ....
So do the mysterious circumstances.

It can't be a mistake ....
Such a grave mistake to make ...
Mystery abounds in the wake of the revelation ....
Something amiss ...
A missing link ...
Something gone wrong somewhere ....
Something gone awry....
A mystery.

He said somethings....
She said somethings ...
Their individual claims don't match ...
Nothing seems real ...
As though ...
He is being blackmailed....
A mystery it is indeed.

This silence from her is a mystery too....
Something suspicious here ...
Hope all's well in her World ...
For that is why I left it behind ....
It was her World not mine....
Heart, soul and mind.
A mystery if you don't mind.

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