Sunday, November 25, 2012

A piece of me ...

A piece of me ... misplaced ....
Lost in the melee of life ...
Somewhere along the West coast ....
Some where deep within ....
Buried in a forest ....
Enroute via  a lake ...
To the heart that never sleeps ...
In a concrete jungle ....
Based in a city that never sleeps.

A piece of me ....
Left behind ...
Over coffee and a piece of chocolate brownie...
Somewhere in the Coffee place ...
Picked up by the stranger ...
Who once was a known face.

A bit of me ....
By the sea side ...
Walking beside him ...
Left behind a bit of him and me ....
In the frothy foamy waves of the shore.

A chunky piece of me ...
On the green hills ...
Treacherous terrain ...
Yet no fear....
No fear of skidding or falling ....
Off the precipice ...
The biggest adventure of them all.

Bits and pieces ....
A puzzle to be put together...
But not now...
In the back burner of my mind ....
My heart takes rest for a while....
Yet not ready to lose it again ...
But all set for another match....
A rematch ...
To set the scores straight ....
To win the game ....
All over again.

A piece of me ...
A piece of him ....
Put the two together...
A beautiful song to hum.

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