Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Bemused wanderings of a naughty mind...

Amused at the hilarious situations people put themselves in. Perched on precarious precipices men, women and children place themselves in. The heart; it is a rather serious comedienne; making us do things, we couldn't ever imagine ourselves doing but we .... we end up doing and making all the silly mistakes that a third person looking at us would scoff at and make fun of us. But, heart; dear dear heart makes a fool of itself always.

But, no regrets. What the heck we all make a fool of ourselves once in a while .. some like me, make a fool of themselves all the time. But, what is the lesson learnt? Keep it in mind always ... you came alone you shall go alone ... you might find a companion in the journey of life ; some who can cope with your speed of travel... some get left behind .. some move ahead and disappear in the oblivion ... Don't lose yourself ... gather your wits and have another show... It will be a complete sell out.

Wander you must. Call yourself a wanderlust traveller in this journey of life. Travel in style.Live life King size and Queen size  There is no other alternative but to move ahead always. Movement should be a constant in your life always.

Wander in the woods or in the concrete jungle you reside in ... but wander you must. There is no alternative to motion. Motion is life itself. Slow or fast; keep moving ... never look back ... there is no looking back ... what's left behind was never meant to be. Just gather your wits, nothing else is needed  to survive ... a good sense of humour... the ability to make a joke out of yourself and every situation in life. Only a true human being can laugh at his or her own self and yet be happy. Be naughty, be childlike... forgive but don't forget the lesson learnt ... move on ... before the sun sets you need to find a place where all like minded souls meet and have a gathering of intellectuals ... wandering minds all out to have some fun.

Am a bemused wanderer ... with wanderlust in her eyes ... stardust in her gaze ... spring in her gait ... a faraway look searching for the cloudburst that is her final abode...

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