Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Collage of life ....

Life .... well lived ....
My life is a collage of moments to be remembered...
Memoirs to be shared...
No regrets whatsoever ....
Whatever happened in the four decades ....
Was to happen ....
Destined to happen ....
Am glad the events took place ...
It has made me a better human being.

It's like swimming in an Ocean ...
Overcoming obstacles like whirlpools...
Hurricanes and thunder and lightning....
Sea creatures; big and small,
Yet swimming nonetheless......
The shoreline a bit far away ...
But strength not sapping at all.

The events of the past one year ....
Brought forth the need to seek...
My family out ...
Am glad whatever happened ...
Took place ....
For someone up there was scripting the story ....
To get me to bond with my family again.

Am happy and thankful ...
To all who came in my life ....
Like a breeze....
A breath of fresh air ....
And, like the wind disappeared again ...
Because each gave me a pearl of wisdom ....
Each made me the Woman I am.
An expensive gift of experience to share ....
Learning the ropes too ...
A journey to be remembered ...
A collage of Life .....
Bits and pieces to be remembered and cherished ....
Bits and pieces to put the puzzle back together again ....
Links to be joined ....
A life to be written about ....
So that down the line ....
Generations to come ....
The Family tree is remembered....
And, the legend lives on.

The collage of life...
My Life's collage....
Colourful with shades of grey ...
Yet, a beautiful masterpiece ...
On this day today....
I offer it to my progeny..... My tomorrow.

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