Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Sound of Music ....

The sound of music he played ....
He played for me ....
Make me go ballistic .... at times ... holistic at times ....
Mood swings occur....
I cry .... a muffled cry ....
I smile .... a sly smile....
A smile that tells all ....
My love for him ....
It hasn't dimmed a bit ...
Getting stronger day by day ....
A faith ....
A fervent prayer ....
Turn back the tide ....
Turn the turn of events .....
Change everything for the better ....
But, time and tide ....
They never turn back .....
They just go on doing their job ....
We are left to do ours.

The sound of music he played ...
The songs he sang ...
His voice.... so clear in my head ...
In my conscience ....
As though he is sitting beside me...
Holding my hand ... and singing ....
Caressing my face ....
Moving his hand through my hair.....
He loved doing that ...
Caressing my hand and my head....
I remember ...
Remember it all ....
As if it is happening right now.

The sound of music .....
His voice ....
His gaze .....
Unnerving gaze ....
And I give a shy smile .....
All to myself ....
Just thinking of him and him only.

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