Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Plucked Flowers....

Flowers ... beautiful and fragrant ....
Men pluck them ....
For their own happiness ..
Men pluck flowers ...
For wooing women ....
They pluck them and leave them in books ...
To dry and remain forever in the name of love ....
They pluck flowers and crush them ...
And ....then ...
They have the cheek to proclaim ..
They have no liking for plucked flowers.
Such men SUCK big time....
They are bloody wilted twigs...
Weaklings .... showing strength behind fake names....
Real life Eunuchs ... having fun with plucked flowers and then leaving them aside....
Plucking more plucked flowers from decaying bouquets...
And proclaiming undying love ....
To the woman waiting at home.
Suckers ..... They ought to be bobbitized ....
Then shall the plucked flowers .... rise and shine again....
At least the plucked flowers have some use ...
They have lived their life to the fullest ...
Given joy to others ....
What has the wilted weak twig given?
Nothing ... He is just another twig to be burnt to ashes.

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