Monday, November 26, 2012

A must ...

A must if one wants to remain in a peaceful state ....
Forget ... Erase ...
Not possible!
Easier said than done ...
One can't stop dreaming ...
One can't stop imagining ....
For a person to create and procreate ...
One has to keep the hope alive ...
Remain calm in still waters and in a storm too.
There has to be some semblance ...
To the mayhem ... The heart creates ...
Wandering through meandering imaginations ...
Full of hope and positivity...
Lots of pluses ...
No minuses ...
No negativity ... just a positive optimism ...
Of a life beyond and yonder ...
Full of wonder and surprises...
Just like today and in the past ...
Pleasant surprises that keep you going ...
And gung ho about everything.

A must indeed ...
Is the need to retire into your fantasy land ...
Where all is hunky dory ...
Attract that happiness ...
Bring it into your present moment and ...
Moments to come further.

A must is the need to be absolutely at peace ...
At peace with yourself and the rest of the World...
Nothing should matter ...
But, matters of the heart.

A must .... happiness with and within yourself.

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