Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Knight's Honour....

Words uttered ... From the mouth of a man...
Heard by the lonesome brethren ....
A Knight's honour ....
Words that spake of trust and faith ....
Believed by the gullible ...
Uncharted terrains to be crossed ...
Men big and small following ...
Through the desert storms and ...
Thundering typhoons ....
Boiling oceans ... Vast expanse....
Men, women and children ....
All following him ...
The one who spake the truth.
A Knight's honour ....
Keeping his words ..
In becoming the man he is ....
He takes them all in his stride ...
As his pride ...
All along the way.
Meandering paths .... rope bridges ...
Over gushing rivers and spiralling whirlpools.
Dense woods ... whispering winds ....
Hallowed shady stonewalls....
None withstanding the surge of might ...
Of the Knight that bespake of freedom....
From the shackles of a tyranny of fate.
I walk the other way ...
Carving a niche' for myself...
I walk away from the mayhem ...
The crowd of humanity ...
That follows the Knight.
I walk away ... in the Knight's honour ...
For I shall not take his honour away ...
By telling the truth ...
Unmasking his face and fate.
The Knight's honour remains intact ...
The truth buried deep within me...
I walk away ... the secret trailing behind me.

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