Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Perfect Woman ...

A Perfect Woman ...
What defines her?
What sets her apart?
What brings that glow on her face?
What is her Name?
My name is her Name...
I belong to the genre' of The Perfect Woman ...
I epitomise her ...
I make her what she is...
I am every woman who thinks she is perfect ...
Coz' flaws are in the eyes of the society ...
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.
When you read this ...
Feel like a woman ...
Be the woman that you are ...
And feel absolutely perfect.
Do not let the bane ...
Of being born a woman ...
Bog you down ....
You are the Creator's best yet...
You are Man's worst nightmare ...
A mare that can change the way of the stallion ...
A mere woman ....
That can launch a thousand ships ....
Can cause dynasties to fall apart ...
Can bring the downfall of Governments ...
One word outta your lips ....
The World will be lapping ...
Every word you speak thence.
A perfect Woman you are ....
Chiseled and carved out of ivory ...
Pearly glow your features revel in ...
Silky skin your forte'...
Then why despair ...
Just show your countenance ...
For you are the very word of the Light ...
The Light in which all merge ...
When they are done with their Worldly desires.
Your chipped remains ....
Glow in the dark ...
The path you take ...
Meandering and long ...
Full of mazes ... Yet ...
You carry forth your torch ...
To set ablaze the trail of Truth.
You are a Perfect Woman ...
I am a Perfect Woman ...
Know your self worth ...
Not to hop on the band wagon ....
Of the desolate souls from the underworld....
You are meant to rise from your ashes ...
Rise and soar high ....
For you are the Phoenix ....
The Bird of Paradise ...
A myth for some...
A dream for some ....
A nightmare for some ....
But you are someone....
Perfect in your features ....
Your shadow becoming you ...
Your contours the delight ...
Your eyes shone the light.
A Perfect Woman you are ....
A Perfect Woman I am.

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