Tuesday, September 4, 2012

There's so much to write about ...

There are bees and birds to write about ....
There are creepy, crawlies to write about ....
There's so much to write about ....
There's my farm with wild boars to write about ...
There's my outhouse in my farm to write about ...
There's my Dollhouse to write about ....
There's my tea set to write about ....
There's so much to write about ...
There are those skeletons in my cupboard to write about ....
I don't open it ....
Lest they all fall out and yikes make a mess on my bedroom floor ...
There's my beautiful jewellery to write about ....
There was a shine in his eyes when he saw my diamonds ....
I know he flicked a couple of my blings ...
I overlooked it ...
Knowing fully well....
What his financial condition is like ...
Not knowing he was taking it for the Bar Girl and her litter.
There's so much to write about...
Lots ....
The moolah in cash he took to sustain the Hoe ....
The gifts he made me buy for his mom ....
It all sucks to remember that ...
There's so much to write about.
But, it makes no sense at all ....
We all see beggars on the roads ...
At the traffic signals....
They remind me of him ....
Just a fleeting glimpse ....
That's all.

There's so much to write about ....
Yet, so little to remember now.

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