Tuesday, September 4, 2012

As you sow, so shall you reap ....

Jaisi karni, waisi bharni ...
As you sow, so shall you reap ...
Lie begets lies ....
Bigots beget bigots ....
Yeah! The lingo is too high fund ...
Stuff you won't understand...
Given your background and circumstances ...
Uneducated, uncouth and unkempt ...
That's what you guys are all about ...
What would you know of ...
Elite class?
You are but a bunch of wannabes..
Just wannabes ....
And, nothing else.
So, you get what you worked so hard for ...
Two little Dickeybirds ...
Oops... Jailbirds...
Right ...
The right stamp on your forehead.
Why do you finger me?
You know that I get angry when someone fingers me ...
Then why call upon my anger?
It will destroy whatever else is left....
Then what will you do?
So, steer clear....
Out of my path ....
The Queen doesn't like interference.

ELSE .....
As you sow, so shall you reap....
Then don't blame me for the consequences ...
The turn of events taking place.
Don't cross my path ever again ....
I drive in high speed ...
Speed kills.

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